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Set back
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Author:  eben [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Set back

Well, I had a few set backs on bulding my business. I had to fire our web designer. He was just impossible to work with. I felt like he was the customer and I was the sales guy, rather than the other way around. I think I found a replacement company so the impact should be minimum. I also found out my friend who joined in won't have time to continue so he left. Well, more work for me I guess. Looking for web based marketing professional now.

If you want to join us in beta program sometime in February, send me a PM with your email and I will put you on it to try it out. I think it will be an interesting site. I can tell you  more when you PM me.

Author:  gahmc [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Sorry to hear you've had setbacks. Yours is a tough business to find quality help in. I hope things look up for you in the near future. (But at least you've been around here more often lately  :wink: )

Author:  Chuck2 [ Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

gahmc @ Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:40 pm wrote:
Sorry to hear you've had setbacks. Yours is a tough business to find quality help in. I hope things look up for you in the near future. (But at least you've been around here more often lately  :wink: )

Exactly! Sorry about the hurdle Ben but it's really nice to see you again.

Author:  Texas Gigi [ Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

If you meet hurdles with the same energy and attitude you have when meeting a stranger from Texas to go out singing, you will be fine, of course.

We're thinking about you.


Author:  eben [ Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Thanks everyone. The site is ready to beta on the 19th of this month. I am thinking about doing open beta so everyone can come by and check it out. I guess I can give a bit of descrition.

The site allows people to submit their "confessions" via video for now but using other multimedia in the future. It's similar to Youtube.com but it's strictly for user generated content. I need a lot of submissions so if you have a webcam, get it warmed up. I will post the URL or send it to you via PM if you PM me.

Thanks all and hope to see you there.

Author:  eben [ Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

We are going live for beta on the 20th of February in the morning. I will send those you sent me PM the URL when it's ready to go. Thanks all.

Author:  Gilly [ Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back


What sorta confessions? I'll post a confession;)

Hey eben, btw, I JUST got my new macbook pro this morning:) I got the middle one, as the 17 inch was simply bigger than I need.. but, it's neat:) Did you ever get around to getting your intel mac?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Is there a counselor who will be addressing the submitted confessions ?  What is the appeal or incentive for a person to wish to 'open up' in THIS particular site, "confessing" to this site vs let's say a site such as America Online where people spend nights discussing their "issues", (and EVERYONE is an expert  LOL ) in member formed topic less formal rooms ?  Or is this a serious site ? This sounds as though it will end up being an internet based "love line", I'd speculate most confessions will be "I cheated on my BF".  Confessions regarding relationships, abuse where a guy got drunk and kicked his GF and her mother out've his efficiency apt, etc.. BUT ... a few trying to get attention by making up things teetering on and crossing "federal" law lines might NOT be so pretty for a website administrator.  IOW trolls :shock: ..  Not sure,  just rough thoughts... You've got my curiosity going.. Since I'm inept regarding computer programming I can't be of help, but I'm still curious  LOL

Sounds interesting, not attempting to be negative of course,  I'm just curious what the demand is.  Are the individuals submitting assured anonymity ?  Will such individuals want anonymity ? Will an individual with trusted credentials be addressing some of these events which might render a truthful person feeling somewhat vulnerable ?

You might be able to kill two birds with one stone (so-to-speak) by hiring Dr. Phill (hey,  no aka web guru anymore ???? )


OK,  it just hit me.  You're in the Silicon Valley,  This is an attempt to meet females LMAO..  Go ahead Eben... "fess up" !!!

Author:  eben [ Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Gilly @ Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:59 am wrote:

What sorta confessions? I'll post a confession;)

Hey eben, btw, I JUST got my new macbook pro this morning:) I got the middle one, as the 17 inch was simply bigger than I need.. but, it's neat:) Did you ever get around to getting your intel mac?

Hi Gilly. It's on the way. I will be getting it in next few days. I got the 15" MacBook Pro. I agree, 17" was way too big for me. I am very excited about it.

Author:  eben [ Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Steven Kaplan @ Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:09 pm wrote:
Is there a counselor who will be addressing the submitted confessions ?  What is the appeal or incentive for a person to wish to 'open up' in THIS particular site, "confessing" to this site vs let's say a site such as America Online where people spend nights discussing their "issues", (and EVERYONE is an expert  LOL ) in member formed topic less formal rooms ?  Or is this a serious site ? This sounds as though it will end up being an internet based "love line", I'd speculate most confessions will be "I cheated on my BF".  Confessions regarding relationships, abuse where a guy got drunk and kicked his GF and her mother out've his efficiency apt, etc.. BUT ... a few trying to get attention by making up things teetering on and crossing "federal" law lines might NOT be so pretty for a website administrator.  IOW trolls :shock: ..  Not sure,  just rough thoughts... You've got my curiosity going.. Since I'm inept regarding computer programming I can't be of help, but I'm still curious  LOL

Sounds interesting, not attempting to be negative of course,  I'm just curious what the demand is.  Are the individuals submitting assured anonymity ?  Will such individuals want anonymity ? Will an individual with trusted credentials be addressing some of these events which might render a truthful person feeling somewhat vulnerable ?

You might be able to kill two birds with one stone (so-to-speak) by hiring Dr. Phill (hey,  no aka web guru anymore ???? )


OK,  it just hit me.  You're in the Silicon Valley,  This is an attempt to meet females LMAO..  Go ahead Eben... "fess up" !!!

Lol, I must admit Steven, you are one most astute person I have ever met. All of the issues you have mentioned, we have thought of already. To answer your question, yes to most all of them.

Keep in mind that this is all done through video. We  will have a Dr. Phil type who will answer via video some of the submissions asking for help but ours will be a female (I wish we can hire him, lol). Video based advice column if you will. The rest of the "confessions" are submitted, supported and even criticized by the members. It's a true community online. As for anonymity feature, we have a patented a technology that allows anonymity using video to protect submitter's identity.

So, that's it in a nutshell. Pretty much everything you thought about we did also.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Thank you for the compliment Eben,  and best of luck with your business.  I hope things go well for you !

Author:  Gilly [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Lol, we think alike then;) I also bought the red speck case for it... (because my husband takes the laptop with him when he goes away on training, and our ibook ended up almost trashed! I figured the case would protect it somewhat... plus it's kinda cute;)   I got the 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 duo one (I needed the 256MB SDRAM).. BUT, I purchased it from the refurb section! I got a great price, plus, the thing is perfect... BUT way cheaper than the original price!:)

Oops, I am rambling:)

Anyways, can't wait to check out your site;)

Author:  eben [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Gilly @ Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:08 am wrote:
Lol, we think alike then;) I also bought the red speck case for it... (because my husband takes the laptop with him when he goes away on training, and our ibook ended up almost trashed! I figured the case would protect it somewhat... plus it's kinda cute;)   I got the 2.33GHz Intel Core 2 duo one (I needed the 256MB SDRAM).. BUT, I purchased it from the refurb section! I got a great price, plus, the thing is perfect... BUT way cheaper than the original price!:)

Oops, I am rambling:)

Anyways, can't wait to check out your site;)

You got the nice one Gilly. I only got the 2.16Ghz one so it was a bit cheaper from ebay. I am waiting for it but it was being shipped from Canada and it's stuck at customs.  :shock: I don't know when I will get it.

As for the update for our site. We decided to include a couple of more features to our beta so we delayed the beta until the 27th. Sorry about that everyone. I think you will like our site when it's up and running. Come visit us and give us a feedback. Again, on the 27th but we may finish earlier and if we do, I will let you know.

Author:  eben [ Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

We are finally live!!! The beta has started. I don't know how long will Phill let me keep the link here but it's www.camfess.com. Check it out and let me know what you think. If this is gone, I will send pm to each one of you with the URL. Thanks all.

Author:  eben [ Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

I just had a revelation. How many of you like to submit a video of yourself singing on the site? I mean, you submit your audio file of your song to here, why not submit a video of yourself singing along with your music and upload to my site? I will create a category called music and you can submit under that. Let me know if you are interested.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Assuming timing was a little different Eben, and you posted your above post one day earlier (which was when Mr October hit this site) you'd have at least one taker. He's posted on "You Tube", and I'm sure would be more than happy to post on your site as well.. (just a hunch)

"Camfess",  I like the name !   Checking it out right now.

Maybe Bill would post a tornado chase or two ?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Check it out and let me know what you think.

I have a great idea for you Eben.  I know of a way you can really initially get your site up and running.  I'll PM you what I have in mind..  Nah,  on second thought this is private from the outside world so I'll post it here..

Over in LiveVideo.com *which is an EXTREMELY active site* there's this act called the Van Nuys Guys, and they are picking up quite a following. I have no clue who this little group is, but based upon site hits, they appear to be roughly 4 months old, perhaps 5, and escalating as we speak in popularity, yet not sure they have offers yet, or are untouchable by new sites. (I also of course don't know what their goal is, and as to whether or not what they do and want would pose a conflict, or be an asset, I just don't know off the bat), I haven't had time to study who these kids are... But they seem VERY good at doing the type of thing you are looking for on your site... Perhaps if you can get either Eddie Brister, or Cliff Mamosa interested in posting on your site, it'd really jumpstart things. Along with the NoHo girls (North Hollywood Girls), and WeHo girls (West Hollywood) girls, these guys/gals are really into video interaction, life of the late teens early twenties group and how they feel think, what makes them hurt, tick, etc.  Granted there is some acting involved, I believe a few of them have studied acting from the looks of things, but they have a considerably active following.. Assuming they just want to get their act known, maybe they'd be interested in participating in your site as well, might be worth a try.. Dunno, just a fleeting thought...  Below is the type of material they do.

http://www.livevideo.com/video/VanNuysG ... 03-07.aspx

http://www.livevideo.com/video/5151BEB8 ... vcid=97731

Regarding this little group of characters (Van Nuys Guys, We Ho, and No Ho Girls), Not sure they already exist as well known acts anyplace else Eben,  It doesn't appear they really have celebrity status as of yet but I might very well be dead- wrong, for all I know this might even be a group of MTV hosts (I don't watch television) however from websearches they appear only to be about 5 months old tops.... I would put ALOT of money on this group becoming VERY big within the year...   I'd look into asking if they'd work with you, and your site.... Just my opinion, I'm not really into this area of the arts, nor do I have any skill promoting this type area, so I don't know:  There's something VERY captivating about this group, something ALL ages can enjoy following, they aren't too contrived, yet it's obvious there're acting skills involved.  Just the right mix IMHO to be VERY entertaining and draw a huge following.  Might be worth trying to grab..

JMO,  just gut feeling.

Author:  eben [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Hey Steven, great input. Actually, you are right in the area of what I was thinking (scary that twice we are thinking alike). I will see if I can contact them but from their latest video, looks like they already signed up with some kind of management company doing DVD. That means they would want $$$$, which we don't have.

I am talking to a friend who's a comedian so she can contribute to our site as well as talking to a manager of bands, who may try to contribute behind the stage scenes for these bands.

I think entertainment value is tops with people who do entertainment. Thanks for the suggestion and keep them coming.  :worship:

Author:  planet_bill [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

Steven Kaplan @ Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:01 am wrote:
Assuming timing was a little different Eben, and you posted your above post one day earlier (which was when Mr October hit this site) you'd have at least one taker. He's posted on "You Tube", and I'm sure would be more than happy to post on your site as well.. (just a hunch)

"Camfess",  I like the name !   Checking it out right now.

Maybe Bill would post a tornado chase or two ?

Here's a couple more I've shared in public. I don't upload a lot of them or share them. I keep meaning to create a dvd highlights tape but I always seems too distracted to do it every year. For some reason I haven't posted any of my good video of tornadoes during daylight on my site. I suppose because I keep planning on putting them on a dvd and don't want to kill my market.

http://www.tornadoxtreme.com/2005_Chase ... 21st05.wmv
http://www.tornadoxtreme.com/2004_Chase ... luck-1.wmv

Author:  eben [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Set back

planet_bill @ Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:58 am wrote:
Steven Kaplan @ Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:01 am wrote:
Assuming timing was a little different Eben, and you posted your above post one day earlier (which was when Mr October hit this site) you'd have at least one taker. He's posted on "You Tube", and I'm sure would be more than happy to post on your site as well.. (just a hunch)

"Camfess",  I like the name !   Checking it out right now.

Maybe Bill would post a tornado chase or two ?

Here's a couple more I've shared in public. I don't upload a lot of them or share them. I keep meaning to create a dvd highlights tape but I always seems too distracted to do it every year. For some reason I haven't posted any of my good video of tornadoes during daylight on my site. I suppose because I keep planning on putting them on a dvd and don't want to kill my market.

http://www.tornadoxtreme.com/2005_Chase ... 21st05.wmv
http://www.tornadoxtreme.com/2004_Chase ... luck-1.wmv

Bill, you can post a few of them to get some interest. You never know. Any publicity is a good publicity. Maybe you can shorten up some videos to like 15 seconds to you don't show all of it. There are ways to do it. I would welcome you to post those video, although it may not be really a "confession". Maybe you can post a video of yourself confessing to a weather chaser.  LOL

BTW, I created a category called My Music. Anyone want to submit a video of themselves singing a karaoke on? Please?  :D

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