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USB sound card recomendations.
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Author:  jerry12x [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  USB sound card recomendations.

I dont normally play off the puter and at the same time record to it.
Thing is I cant without howl round.
I need a USB souncard where I can dissable monitoring the input.
My card wont allow that.

Could I have some recomendations please
that includes that feature.

Author:  Meep70 [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: USB sound card recomendations.

I like my M-Audio MobilePre

Author:  jerry12x [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: USB sound card recomendations.

Thanks Meep, yes it does have that function,
Had to download the manual to read that bit.
Its got so much more as well.
Not sure I could make use of it all.

Author:  jerry12x [ Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: USB sound card recomendations.

OK guys,
Most know what I mean, but maybe I havn't put this accross very well.
Also to include one or two of you that arn't sure what I mean but have manuals...

Normally when I record, I send a Cool Edit track output from the computer 'line out' via pre amp to a singers headphones.
The singers voice inputs to the desk via mic. and goes from a desk preamp out to the computer line input.
My phones come from the desk.

Now forget that...

Now I now want to play a Karaoke track that goes from computer 'line out' to desk to amp. Forget the amp.
At the same time I want to output from a desk preamp out to computer 'line in'.

Perfect... I can record what I am playing, plus a vocal.

I record what I want to record.
Except, what I record is being sent to the 'line out' again.
Round and round it goes,
and with headphones on my head heats up and explodes.

A lot of USB sound modules (unlike onboard sound) have the ability
to dissable monitoring the input.
I dont need a module a sophisticated as Meeps, cos
I will always use a desk.
I simply want the 'line in' not to go back to 'line out'.

When it comes to getting this info from a web site...
I have had no success. They never mention it.

I went to a store, and although I was able to put accross
what I wanted, I got no help... pretty much as I expected.

This isnt a store...... Its better, isnt it...

Author:  McPostal [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: USB sound card recomendations.

What sound card do you have now.  I have a Sound Blaster Audigy 4 internal card and under control panel > Sounds and Devices > Audio tab > Volume button under Sound Recording.  On the Recording control window select Options > Advanced Controls.  This will give you "Advanced" buttons under the Analog Mix and Microphone sliders.  The analog mix advanced should give you a check box to "Record Without Monitoring".  Also check out the 20db boost under microphone advanced.

Author:  jerry12x [ Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: USB sound card recomendations.

Cant remember what the sound is.
Its on a Dell LatitudeCPx.
Under the advanced tab it dosn't have a monitoring option.
Cheeper sound cards simply dont give that option.

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