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Old Friends
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Author:  karyoker [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Old Friends

Years ago I was the CE of a small tv station in ne colorado As with any small businesses that struggles and work together the employees form eternal bonds that span the boundaries of love and respect  A kid by the name of Lance Hernandez was hired by the GM in Cheyenne and immediately started reporting in Sterling.. Me and the ex sort of adopted him..

He was there a couple of years then went on to bigger and better things.. After a stint in another tv station he landed a contract with channel 7 out of Denver.. A few times we went down for a visit but I hadnt seen him for years 84 maybe..

Recently a cops wife shot a deputy sherrifs wife here in Greeley.. I was sitting here and the tv was on 7 about 4 in the aft and there was Lance doing a remote with the Greeley court house in the background ... On impulse I put on a shirt and shoes and went down to the court house.. All the majors were there 9,7, and 4 with there remote antennas up in the air... I didnt see Lance but a eng was in the 9 van doing some editing Wheres Lance I diont know he was here a minute ago...I talked to him a couple of minures and glanced back at the 7 van tThere was Lance sitting in the van..I rapped on the window and he was on a cell but in a minute came flying out and we hiugged We had a nice visit for about 30 min then he had to leave..

It is just an odd story and wouldnt happen again in a lifetime... But certain things are ordained and when one conducts self with old traditions and values and lives right one can meet an old aquaintence with something that some will never experience.

EDIT The new remote vans dont even have video tape recorders anymore..It is all computerized and if I remember right 1 frame takes 1 MB of memory... Lance asked me what do you think will happen to the ones that sank the remote van in the river.. Oh they will go to work for channel 3 He lost it..

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Friends

glad you got to meet an old friend!! And interesting how their technology has changed!

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