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Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:26 pm |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
i do record my songs with a stationare recorder,,,korg D3200...on this i can master and mix before i record it to stereo mix....its a super machine ...but..here is the thing i like to know...since i dont think its to many effects choise on the korg for my use...can i some how..before mastring it...send it over to my pc to any audio tools programs (and what type) ..and split the two channels and redigere each channel with effects...than again master it to a stereo wav or mp3 file..? now i think my vocal gets to flat and to little dynamic...is there any way i can fix this??i got a M300 dual egine processor..but i cant use it on my korg..i like to have a pc program to do the work after i have recorded two channel tracks..to do the rest of the work...is there any way or a program who can split the channels in a wav file??than i can burn it out as a wav and rediger it on the pc program after..but only if i can split the channels...hmmm i can see my english writing needs a opdate..  ...i speak better though...  ...hope anyone can take the time to give me advice on this one...i sure hope its possible,..sad if i need to buy a soundcard like emu 1600...and let the big expensive one stand like a dust collector...regards from a recording newbees!! Linda39.. 
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:30 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Hi, why cant you use the M300 with the D3200.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:44 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Yes you could stick it on the pc through the USB port onto something
like Cool Edit, or Adobe Audition.
That would be practical.
Cant see why you cant use the M300 though.
Reads really well.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:01 am |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
Hi there..
i have tryed to connect the m300...to my korg..but the thing is whatever i do,it seems to take over everything,my music level and volum is going down..even though it says its only the mic channel it suppose to feed effects..the recording level is unbalansed,when m300 is connected..i follow the instructions..aux1 aux2..and i put the aux send to 50% as it tells me to do..and thats aboute it...after the music level volum is going wild..and it become very sesitiv,to the clp level..i turn the music source down..the mic down on trim..than the recording volum becomes to low..i have connected it as dual send/return..seems i have done it right..and the M300 is not that difficul to use...i have tryed more than once..and now im so tired of that m300  ..sure it can be me who do something wrong..but i cant see what...the equitments is only 1 month old..got it for christmas...so it should be fine..but im stucked though..dont know what to do...i even took the aux level down to 25% but that did not help at all...for me it looks like m300 takes over ...the volum level for everything on the korg...its pretty difficult to get a nice balanced recording with that thing connected...but maby i do something wrong...it could be me and not the m300...smiling...ty for answering me...regards linda39
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:08 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
You could try one of the other Aux out's,
I notice there are a bunch of them.
I assume you are sending the M300 output
to a new track.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:37 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
There is possibly a fault with your send and return.
Use an Aux out and send your Fx out to a new track.
You should have no problem.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:49 am |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
hmmm bunch of them...im lost now...  ...in the send area on the korg i just have aux 1 aux 2...i connect the m300 to channel 9-10..music source 11-12..i pair this channels seperatly ..9-10 as the m300...than i pair 11-12.. and mark channel two as the mic channel...than i go to aux send area on the korg...mark the send aux1-2...and set it to 50%....on the mic channel...i do not turn up any levels on the rest...in aux send area..as the instruction says...i start record..sounds nice with the effects ...so far so good...than i start sing...the level on mic goes rigth to the top on CPL ...the effect sends line ..also do...and the music source become low in my phones, but on the meter it reach Clp...but i hardley hear it...normaly without the m300 its fine ..and i can record everything with a nice balanced volum..but not with the M300 connected..but than again i dont have the effect without it...so i have been thinking ...leaving out the m300 and get the effects from a different source..like a pc program..but i have no clue how...do i use the usb cable from the korg to my pc...and from there???do i first record the tracks??and after send it to the pc and open it in a program..or from a map?..sorry jerry...remember im a newbees in all this...but i got no one to ask when i got some prob..so i get stucked sometimes...than its nice to ask someone in here... for advice...  thanks so much for taking your time answering me..regards linda39
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:52 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Sorry, got to go out now.
Will get back to you in a couple of hours.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:13 am |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
thats ok ...ty for the help...have a nice day..regards linda
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:45 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Are you setting the input on the korg so the
peak volume LED's only flash on at the loudest parts.
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:50 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Sorry, the Korg M300 that is
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:48 pm |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
Hi there
yes i have...i think its something wrong with it...when i touch the cables i got ...owww whats the word in english...watt...to my fingers...need to return it to the shop..but anyway.. now im looking for a different way to do the mix...maby as a pc program..but than again can i import files from korg to pc...even though its not mixed to stereo file..just two splitted channel recording...vokal...and music source...mix it on the cool tools or whatever..i will use...can those software master and record this files to a wav or mp3..so i can burn it out from the pc....??and what program is the best and eazy to use...?regards linda39
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:13 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
As you guessed it, check your audio leads first.
With your D3200 you will have received DAW software.
Once that is installed on your PC,
you can access the korg via USB.
It appears that a lot of people here use Cool Edit Pro v2.0
or Adobe Audition v1.5 or v2.0. Same company, both good.
Either will give you what you want to do.
Both have demo versions.
Shame really, your gear is impressive.
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:27 am |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
Hi there...sure i could get a new m300 from the shop...but im not sure what to do...i have full cool edit pro 2.1...but i have no clue to use is...but ..i just have to admit to my self...i need to use the time it takes...to figure it out..now i think the dynamic and sound on my songs are not that interesting...ive posted two songs on SS ..listen and tell me what i need...if you got time..tell me whats wrong and what i need to improve with the sound...would help me much..i can hear its missing something in my recording beside others..and i think i have the equitments to get it sound great..but i need an advise on what i should focus on...seems like you know a lot..and i would be very greateful if you have the time to do so....hugs and regards linda39
if you could guid me on the m300 i sure want to use that one insted all the pc work..eazyer..but damn i cant get it right..sounds like i have connected it wrong ..but again the manual tells me its right..but ...the signal and frequensy just get to loud and unbalanced...cant use the songs i recorded with that m300 connected...i still keep my korg...sure i will its a good machine...if i only could make the sound a bit better..i have really worked on it..and thousend different ways...just need some extra ..but what??
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:51 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Hi girl. You have so put me on the spot.
Thank you for considering I know a lot.
Compared to some people, I do.
There are those who could run rings round me.
I worked in a small recording studio over 20 years ago.
I have never seen equipment like yours.
It is however a digital combination of a complete
multitrack studio with outboard effects.
I have forgoten much... I'm an old codger.
I should be able to work through it though.
Also, some of the other guys here will help out.
I listned to your tracks in SS.
I am impressed with your voice, you obviously want
to take this a lot further than karaoke.
Good luck to you. You have a quality in your voice
that is exciting.
You dont rely on vocal acrobatics which is refreshing.
Also I can tell although good, like many that do SS,
this is not your best.
Guys check out Linda's Romeo in SS. Definate potential...
You wont be wasting your time.
Yes I could say that your vocal is standing on top
of the backing track instead of the backing track
fitting your vocal like a glove. But I wont.
I could say the backing track lacks dimension, but I wont.
All of these things I wont say can be corrected.
All tech problems can be corrected.
OK guys you can start throwing stones at me now.
I dont have time now. Too busy running for cover...
Will get back to you tomorrow.
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:08 pm |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
Hi jerry
an ty so so much for helping me out here...and your nice comments...i will try to improve the things you have said,i just need to work a whole lot....on my equitments to get there...i usualy have been just a vokal when all the rest did the work with the sound...so when it comes to sound im a neewbies...i just know how i want it to sound..but to make it that way ...  ....as always im a hard worker and i never give up..so i know ill be there with time...(sure hope)..beside that..its so very nice to meet some ppl like you who take your time and help others out...your my favorit when it comes to that...and if i need help again ...i run for you... smiling...in the end am so greatefull for your support here...thanks again jerry..and a big
 to you...regards linda
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:14 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Hi Linda,
Ok first we need to find out if your effects unit is ok.
Do you have a mic lead that ends in a ballanced Jack instead of XLR
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:16 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Sorry, scrap that, wouldnt be high enough volume.
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:36 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:40 am Posts: 2289 Location: Bolton UK Been Liked: 3 times
Use a single Aux out from the Korg and connect it to one of the
inputs on the effects unit.
Dont bother returning it to the Korg.
Set the Korg to post fade.
Now the vocal chanel fader will also control the output level.
Send a vocal track to the Aux out.
Play the track and watch the LED's on the effects unit.
Try adjusting your controlls till you see a desired movement in LED activity.
Tap and rotate the connecting lead. Do you get more than a small LED movement.
Then try it using a seperate Aux out.
Then repeat using the other effects input.
If you have problems, replace the connecting lead with another.
Try it again.
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:45 am |
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:46 pm Posts: 37 Location: norway Been Liked: 0 time
Hi jerry..ill try and come back to ya with the results...regards linda
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