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anyone own or use audio 2000 uhf mics...help please
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Author:  icantgetznosleep [ Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  anyone own or use audio 2000 uhf mics...help please

i have an audio 2k mixer and was looking at some uhf audio 2k mics. wondering if they are any good? in specific pick-up, frequency response, clarity, etc. thanks for the reviews.

also, is a diversity mic recommended? is phase lock pll good? and i noticed some use 9-volt and some use AA battery. does the battery charge make a difference.

i'm a newbie so thanks for helping me out with my questions.

Author:  KjSammy [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone own or use audio 2000 uhf mics...help please

I know many folks who still use Audio 2000 products. They were built in a most simplistic manner for the average person. It’s a great learning tool because you need to know how to walk before you can run. You can easily jump into some wazoo mixing board and 5000 watts of power, processors and a partridge in a pear tree. If you just learned to fly would you jump into the cockpit of a 747? There is nothing worse than a Kj spending all of his time twisting knobs for no apparent reason.

Though true diversity are nice, I “personally” would not invest big money in wireless microphones. Once a singer drops it your good sense of humor may choose to suddenly leave you. It hurts less if you know it can be fixed or replaced via low cost and time in the repair shop.

AA’s and 9V… I can say this… the price of alkaline 9V’s in the last 6 months seemed to almost double. People will say you can use the rechargeable but if you’re mobile sometimes it’s hard to keep up with.


Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone own or use audio 2000 uhf mics...help please

The Audio2000 is not all that rugged.  In that price range I would go with a Gemeni UF8264.  I bit better sounding, tougher, and 64 channels to choose from...

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