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Jamiroquai - Return of the Space Cowboy, Karaoke
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Author:  TopherM [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jamiroquai - Return of the Space Cowboy, Karaoke

First off, you should be aware that karaoke versions are not performed by the original artists in the majority of cases, so you wouldn't be able to hear the intricacies of the guy's background vocals on the karaoke version because the vocals and music would be performed by someone else, not this band.

Second, this track is not made in karaoke. Here are all of the Jamiroquai songs currently available:

http://www.kjpro.com/browse/searchresul ... rch=Search

Third, just FYI no matter what you intend to do with it, you can't just have someone give you the track for free and it be legal. The only way to legally obtain a copy is to pay for it in the original formats licenced by the artist and his record company/representation, which in this case looks like it is limited to the CD and the MP3 version on various pay sites.

Sorry not to have better news, but that's the Dilly Yo.

Author:  eben [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jamiroquai - Return of the Space Cowboy, Karaoke

smrtka69 @ Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:00 pm wrote:
thanks for the reply anyways. I'm not very involved in the world of karaoke, I guess I misunderstood some things a bit, but you got it right what I wanted. Simply the original recording just without the voice, having separate tracks as recorded in the studio would be even greater.

But I'm possibly requesting way too much, although wouldn't expect it being impossible. I just hoped something like that would be available, however.

(I'd say that famous artists like Jamiroquai is will be recording in a highly professional studios and such a studio will probably archive a recording from someone like J. in separate tracks and when it comes to business...there are possibly many folks that would love being able to closely study the performance of those great musicians...)

As to the legal/illegal...I know, but still...law's law, humans are humans...err...don't wanna discus that here ok?


Technically, what you are saying is right, typically they do record the vocals on different tracks etc. So, does such recording exist? Yes. What are you chances of getting hold of such recording? You would have better chance of winning the lottery. (Maybe if you do win the lottery, you can buy the rights to the song and do it youself). First, the artists are very protective of their recording. They will never release the orginial recording in the form to anyone. Even if they can paid to release, such as for commercial purposes, they allow others to recreate the recording (such is the case with all karaoke recordings) or they will do a version that is specifically for the purpose.

Most of the time, it's not even artist's choice. I have a friend who recorded a couple of CDs that I am dying to trying to make it to CD+G format. I asked them and they don't even own the tape. If we pay the studio who recorded it a large sum of money, they can re-record without the lead vocal and give us a version of that. I am not about to thousands of dollars to just to those recordings. This is with the permission of thge original artists. Imagine trying to fight the reluctant artists to get to the original recording, in a word: impossible.

The legal issue, I won't even discuss it here.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jamiroquai - Return of the Space Cowboy, Karaoke

eben @ Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:58 pm wrote:
I have a friend who recorded a couple of CDs that I am dying to trying to make it to CD+G format. I asked them and they don't even own the tape. If we pay the studio who recorded it a large sum of money, they can re-record without the lead vocal and give us a version of that. I am not about to thousands of dollars to just to those recordings. This is with the permission of thge original artists. Imagine trying to fight the reluctant artists to get to the original recording, in a word: impossible.

We went to a couple of studios that were like that.  Most of the time they just rented the tape for your session & when it was finished - they'd bulk erase it & rent it to the next band coming in.  The only way you got to keep your master is if you bought the actual tape - which at that time was around $150 per reel (10" reel/2" tape), lot of money for a struggling band on a budget, but we scraped it up anyway, it was MUCH cheaper to buy once the studios converted to ADAT.  But luckily we always made a final cut w/o vocals anyway - since we were formed from karaoke singers!

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