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Author:  karyoker [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  localhost

Out of pure boredom I am going to offer up a latest project and for those that do websites this will be a very interesting topic. I have a phpbb2 forum like this one which I have been applying alot of different mods to. Problem is if you screw up *** it crashes your forum. So you need a local server that you can test different mods and supports mysql and php and you need MyphpMyadmin  to acess your data bases which you can transfer from your web server to your hard drive. There are others but I tried this
 I have a full forum on a local hard drive..

You can fully experiment with php or any site in a dynamic fashion before you publlish it to your web site..  For you are testing it on a localhost "brand that in your mind" even on your server it is localhost  To start out with a server the default username is root with a passwd of "" or nothing  A config  php or file will allow you to setup the username passwd and the name for the mysql server or  the data base. ( MyphpMyAdmin accepts the mysql parameters)

Whichever php or html editor you  are using dont use the the preview actually put the local addy in the browser  "http://apache/htdocs/myfolder/myprog put it in  bookmarks and call up your htm or php directly in a browser. It reacts the exact same way that it will on the web and you can  preview it...

At first impressions it seems intimidating and complicated it does take some patience  and knowledge but it not that complicated  but you do have a full server on your hard drive and you can learn what its all about!!

If you have something to add to or offer positive or more knowlegeable oinions to this post or then post with   positive thoughts please post and dont argue like a
** kid I am tired of this mee me me atittitude ...

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