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Professional system spec required...
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Author:  umichiganguy [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Professional system spec required...


I bet this topic has been talked about before, but I have some specific needs for a Karaoke system that I can't seem to find.

I am a musician who plays computer music (MIDI) at my gigs. It takes a lot of time to find the files on my laptop, find the lyrics pages and get everyone ready to play. Well, 20-30 seconds, but that is too long. Plus I have to carry a lot of extra gear around. Playing along with some custom made CDGs would solve a lot of problems for me.

Create my own music in CDG format, play along with CD's in CDG format, and program the whole set or sets via a Karaoke system. I have extra rack space in my system and could put in a CDG player but I can't seem to find something that I am comfortable wit.

Here is what I need:
Rackmount (need)
2+ trays (nice to have)
Plays CDR/CDR/W (need since I am burning my own CDs?)
MP3 (nice to have)
MP3G (really nice to have)
handheld remote control (need but might have to compromise)
Reliable as they come (need)
DVD, etc. (nice to have)
reliable key shift (nice to have since I might get some actual Karaoke gigs)

Cost is not an issue, if it meets the need, it is tax deductible

I looked at the API DVD-701 and it seems to have most of what I am looking for but a lot of feedback seems to show that it is a big risk and if it breaks down during a gig, I will be stuck singing Kum-by-a with my acoustic guitar for the rest of the evening. I supposed I could buy two of them and keep one in my trunk for the price.

Any thoughts?? What stuff is supposed to be coming out at the next NAMM? I can't believe that my needs are that unique...

As a side note, my digital studio is a Roland VS1880 with a CDRII. This unit won't make CDGs I know, but what software is out there that is cheap and reliable to grab a standard CD song file and burn it into a CDG on my laptop/desktop CDR burner that won't confuse a CDG player?

aTdHvAaNnKcSe... 8)

Dan in Michigan

Author:  kojak [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

No burned disks!
If you copy and end up in paying the consiquence, so be it.
You deserve it!

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 4:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

jemini... how's he suupposed to do it without burnin a disc, kojak?

umichigan, be careful of copyright infringement, here. You're getting ready to cross a line that is very dangerous, and very volitile in the entertainment industry.

In order to do a recreation of a composer's work, you must acquire the rights to do so. Lyrics as well!!

That's why people go the professional cdg route, for they've already done the work for you. And the better music usually. Dunno if midi is your thing or not - personally, I hate it! LOL!

To play standard cdrs, the JVC Triple tray works well.


Author:  umichiganguy [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for the reply. I have been looking at the JVC 303BK, is that the one you are talking about? They do have another 3-tray unit, the XLSM33BK but I don't see anywhere that either is rack mountable, although I could probably rig something... it's something like 17 5/8" and a rack is 19".

In regards to the "legalities", I appreciate your approach and style in how you issued your warning. For what it's worth, I have a lot of original material and I'd be peeved if someone ripped me off and I didn't get paid for either my composition or my performance...

I suppose that case law could change, but the plain fact is that I am not copying anything live or pre-recorded. Performance of computer music, whether live or recorded (what's the difference), laying down some harmony tracks and putting down a few solo licks should be covered by the ASCAP fees that the club owners pay annually under the license to play copyrighted music in their establishment. The other copyright, which I would argue I am not in infringement of in any way, and where many KJ/DJs get busted, is bootlegging the media. Big difference in case anyone out there on this board is interested...

In any case, I appreciate the reply...

Dan from Michigan

Author:  metalgod [ Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thats the way to tell em off. Yeah you go boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Whatever you say burny.

Author:  kojak [ Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't drink!
I don't attack people for no particular reason.

Making copies of your own material is one thing, and copying someone elses is another. If you copy your own material and end up paying the consequence, so be it.
The consequence of copying your own stuff is nothing.
If you copy somebody elses material and the consequence is $50,000 and 6 months in jail, so be it!

Right now you've made 3 posts, and the second has made you an enemy.

You think that I need therapy.
YOU'RE the guy that has crossed someone with just 2 posts.

So I mispelled a word. Big deal.

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Oct 25, 2003 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

My guess is I am not seeing a post... one that was deleted. Probably in retaliation to your statement, Kojak.

K., you came in with a very short statement (and I was rocked back on it!!)...

Newbies to discussion boards need a BIT of an introduction before you come in with a machine gun! LOL!

I found what michigan had to say was very concise and accurate, and he spoke his position well... when presented with a good conversation!

I personally WELCOME him here, no matter his thoughts on copying or anything else. He wanted knowledge... and is not only receiving it, but GIVING it as well!

What a discussion board is all about if you ask me.

Enemy?? With words, where does that apply?

Author:  kojak [ Sat Oct 25, 2003 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes there was a post that was deleated that was a little on the mean spirited side, (to say the least) that was in retaliation to my first post.
I believe that the first and last line in my last, (2nd), post that was deleted.
So it should be. I'm ashamed that I said it.
I was rather ticked off at the time.
I'll get over it.
I firmly believe that admin. did the right thing.

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Oct 25, 2003 5:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the explaination Kojak.

and Michigan, yes, that was the triple tray I was talking about.

Author:  Guest [ Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:22 am ]
Post subject: 

one hint... Raxxess makes an universal mount for the CD+G/DVD Players
you can just about find them at any of the "better" Pro Audio Stores in the country. Well this is Sammy's "RENTED" space.. as far as the real hardcore answers.. I think you can figure those out..

Good Luck!
Brian Douglas

Author:  pxranger [ Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

forget discs, I use my laptop, less mess, no scratched discs, more professional,

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