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Out of control KJ
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Author:  micbob [ Fri May 18, 2007 7:44 am ]
Post subject:  Out of control KJ

I have spent several years building my KJ/DJ business and its has been very successful. In order for my business to grow and become more diversified I recently partnered with another individual. Business is starting to increase and we decided to add a part time KJ. It has been very difficult for me to find KJ's that understand business and marketing to the point that can and will promote the business. The KJ we recently hired seemed to fit that mold so we had him work his first gig this past Sunday night. He started the night nervous but the place got packed with energetic people so it made it very easy for him. Now his been hit with the typical KJ disease that swells an individuals head-- He has become self promoting. He was filling in for my partner who has years of experience and had built up the business at that bar to the point they are at 3 nights now. I over heard someone telling part time KJ that he did a good job in which he responds with thats because I do this and the other KJ doesnt. What he does or does not do is irrelevant the fact he was putting himself in front of the business goals upset me. I let it go and figured he was like a child who was overly excited him did something good. Well, he is suppose to fill in again this Sunday and was in on Thursday night telling people to come to his show. At this point thats fine but I told him that my partner informed me it looks like he will be back in time Sunday to do the show himself. The part time KJ then replies "If I'm not there he is just going to be booed. My question is would you keep a KJ that is more self promoting or find someone who represents the company?

Author:  Lonman [ Fri May 18, 2007 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

micbob @ Fri May 18, 2007 7:44 am wrote:
I have spent several years building my KJ/DJ business and its has been very successful. In order for my business to grow and become more diversified I recently partnered with another individual. Business is starting to increase and we decided to add a part time KJ. It has been very difficult for me to find KJ's that understand business and marketing to the point that can and will promote the business. The KJ we recently hired seemed to fit that mold so we had him work his first gig this past Sunday night. He started the night nervous but the place got packed with energetic people so it made it very easy for him. Now his been hit with the typical KJ disease that swells an individuals head-- He has become self promoting. He was filling in for my partner who has years of experience and had built up the business at that bar to the point they are at 3 nights now. I over heard someone telling part time KJ that he did a good job in which he responds with thats because I do this and the other KJ doesnt. What he does or does not do is irrelevant the fact he was putting himself in front of the business goals upset me. I let it go and figured he was like a child who was overly excited him did something good. Well, he is suppose to fill in again this Sunday and was in on Thursday night telling people to come to his show. At this point thats fine but I told him that my partner informed me it looks like he will be back in time Sunday to do the show himself. The part time KJ then replies "If I'm not there he is just going to be booed. My question is would you keep a KJ that is more self promoting or find someone who represents the company?

If the KJ the works for YOU starts calling the nights he works - HIS show, i'd talk to him first.  There are certain compliances that he WILL/SHOULD follow.  
First & foremost, he works for a company, not himself.  
It's fine if he's asking people from your other nights shows to come on out & check him out Sunday - not stealing business, it's still your shows, but when he starts doing the 'well I do this & he don't' thing, he is no longer being a valuable asset to YOUR company as he is starting to believe he is the reason people are coming in in the first place.  
Do not belittle the other kj's in the company - especially the owners, each kj will have their own personality, but still should follow company guidelines to make the shows more uniform so that anyone can enjoy any night regardless of who's working.
If he continues in the manner he is currently displaying after you talk to him, then drop him, he isn't a team player - but then be prepared for the backstabbing that will more than likely come with it.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Fri May 18, 2007 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

If I understand correctly this   EMPLOYEE is talking about your partner his other BOSS. ----explain the chain of command and that TEAMWORK is essential in any succeful business plan.  If he agrees give him one more chance --if not SEND HIM PACKING

Author:  Babs [ Fri May 18, 2007 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

I think you definitely need to sit this individual down and have a talk with him.
Nothing kills a show faster than an egotistical KJ. If he is self serving, he will not put the customer first. That scares me more. He needs to step back and let the singers be the show not him and if he is putting down other KJs compared to himself I can only imagine him putting down singers because they aren't as good as him.

If it is a character flaw you can't change get rid of him! But I would give him the chance to change.

A mature secure KJ would have no reason to put other KJs down in public even if you all didn't work together.

Author:  Kellyoke [ Fri May 18, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

My thought is, if he is old enough to be working in a bar; he is too old to be taught common decency and respect.

The "immaturity" that is showing is already enough for me to send him on elsewhere.  If I were his boss, I would have the time to teach him how to be a KJ (host).  But I wouldn't have the time to teach him the things his parents should have.


Author:  knightshow [ Fri May 18, 2007 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

Kelley, I totally agree with you.

However, maybe this pt kj is also doing what he has observed in other folk's behavior. Maybe he's responding to comments from customers that have observed this, and now taken it to gospel.

Frankly, it's "write up" time for me if I were in this situation as the company owner. I'd sit him down, tell him I'd heard this and that, and effectively give him another chance to improve his behavior. Stress the company line and how to understand that he's not an owner, he's an employee, and he works for YOU and your partner. NOT the other way around. If he can't come to terms with this, then he needs to walk before other harmful crap happens.

I've found that some people can be straightened out. I've also found that some people can't be! heheh

BIYATCH slap time! LOL

Author:  Babs [ Fri May 18, 2007 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

BIYATCH slap time!

Is that how you spell biyatch? I always wondered  LMAO

Author:  johnbaum [ Fri May 18, 2007 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

I have quit going to certain Karaoke shows because of people like that. If ya like the kid and he actually does have a following then Llet him work with RULES. If he can't accept your terms I would send him on his merry way.

Author:  knightshow [ Fri May 18, 2007 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

Babs @ Fri May 18, 2007 4:30 pm wrote:
Is that how you spell biyatch? I always wondered  LMAO
it is on THIS site! LOL!

Author:  E.J. McGinley [ Sun May 20, 2007 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

Dump him - he's already demonstrated that he has no loyalty to you or your business.  Somewhere along the line he will more than likely cut your throat.

The last time I trusted someone like him it cost me over a hundred thousand dollars.  I treated the guy like he was one of my sons. I still living with my wife telling me, "I told you so".

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Sun May 20, 2007 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

SNOGGGGGGGG Jackson  :hug:

Author:  Flipper [ Sun May 20, 2007 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

Generally after a month or so, newbies develop this ultra ego that is usually quite large. They need to be brought back down to earth gently as their egos are quite fragile at this point.

This guy has developed an ultra-ego after just one night.....this is premature and would cause me concern. Sounds like it's more of a character flaw that will likely be very difficult to change.

I would have a talk with him but be very observant of his body language and demeanor once you say what you have to say. Your first instinct will be the correct one with regard to his behavior....trust your instincts.

This is a very difficult behavior to overcome so if you feel that he is not cooperating with you or is not handling your little talk well then it's best to cut him loose.

One thing that is really different about working in a bar -vs- a regular business is that when you let someone go, generally they never come back. With bars they can come back as a customer and still give you problems. Hopefully he will be civil about it.

good luck and keep us updated on how it plays out. :wave:

Author:  atxklown [ Wed May 23, 2007 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Out of control KJ

I say give the kid a test, bring in an unknown guy, have him approach the kid.  Say something about him starting up another KJ biz and asking about getting him set up one of his shows or join his KJ team and offer money, if the kid accepts and breaks your contract with him, let it happen and the unknown guy will leave him high and dry.   Let him create his own downfall.   He would be humbled after that if you still let him in.

The overtly egos always have great manipulation.

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