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Cowboy Ways https://mail.karaokescenemagazine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9923 |
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Author: | karyoker [ Wed May 30, 2007 6:05 pm ] |
Post subject: | Cowboy Ways |
A few thoughts and stories from the old cowboy. For the first few years in my life I was raised by my gradpa because my stepdad and all my uncles were off fighting the war to end all wars. It was ingrained into me at 4 years old You didnt break a horse or never whipped a horse You absolutely never abused a woman. You fed your stock before you sat down at the table.You never started a fist fight but you never backed down from anybody You never kicked a man when he was down you didnt even hit a man in the face if he had glsses on. You never accused a man of being a liar or a horse theif unless he had a strange brand in his corral.If somebody accused you of being illegal you kicked their (@$%!) at least give them a bloody nose.He came to colorado about 100 years ago He could take a team of horses that somebody had abused and in a month or 2 have them working as a team again. He told stories and gave me family roots from Scots (his name was Archie McRae) He gave me a belief system that has kept me afloat and helped me make it down roads that I needed to go down that most wouldnt survive.A farmer or rancher in those days took care of their stock (this incuded slaves from the century before) and would go without eating to feed them when times was hard. A man was a man and a woman was a woman and there was nod doubt what either one was In any relationship each had their role and they supported each other with their life and never even came close to abusing each other FOR LIFE.. Then during my lifetime I have witnessed the extremists take control They have no respect for old ways or any old country ways. They have destroyed the american family traditions. They have demasculated the american male and are totally afraid of any violence whatsoever They took my mother and gandmother off of the pedastel we put them on and tried to convince them that they were being abused a they needed to unite and fight the male pigs.As far as being a lady they wouldnt make a pimple on either ones butt.They were the women that built this country. The companys and corps in this country really think they own slaves and treat their workers as such My forefathers woul;d turn over in their grave, This country is broke.. The senators or represenatives could care less what you believe in or what you need they are controlled by greed. This is the greediest and most unforgiving society that ever walked.The prison system is nothing more than a financial enterprise and the justice system is *&*(&*&*(*( You got any money? Back when we had a strong middle class they were the ones that solved social problems bumbling incompetent politicians or lawyers. Now they have taken away all the power and financial control from the citizens and middle class and families in this country. Yet there are people on this forum There are people in the streets there are a few generations that were brainwashed by the current education system that think this government is going to protect them and solve all their problems. It's not going to happen people learn how to stand up on your own two legs. Find self, find your god, find your belief system burt ost af all try to find the morals and roots or your ancestors. |
Author: | Steven Kaplan [ Wed May 30, 2007 6:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
Quote: You never started a fist fight but you never backed down from anybody You never kicked a man when he was down you didnt even hit a man in the face if he had glsses on. You never accused a man of being a liar or a horse theif unless he had a strange brand in his corral.If somebody accused you of being illegal you kicked their (@$%&#!) at least give them a bloody nose.
Since I grew up in the NYC suburbs (with the exception of the horse, livestock, and farm understandings) I was raised the same way. Very different world for this reason too of course... You didn't sit still when you were bullied, you fought back yet you didn't start a fight. You just wouldn't allow yourself to become somebodies patsy... This was enforced by BOTH parents, even my mom... SHe's say "fight back" grab the bully by the collar... Of course there's a HUGE difference today, Today the bully might have a gun or knife. This was unheard of in suburbs in the 50's and 60's. So when I got older, and into corporate areas, smaller scale politics, Boards, etc... It made it BRUTAL for me to exist in such settings... Because "Ignore", and "You must take it and play the game", were ways contrary to what I learned, and came to believe is correct.. You don't steal, but you don't let somebody steel from you.. and honesty... I STILL have a tough time dealing with white collar crime... Problem Is ollie... Two paradoxical concepts Old School : Love they neighber, Do unto others, what's taught in religious school 10 commandments BUsiness world, and Poltics or adult reality: Don't get CAUGHT when you covet thy neighbors wife "Do onto others" but always remember "business is business" so learn to lie :( To this day, this stuff bugs me.. Almost makes me wonder how smart it is to teach kids that "manipulating" people is bad, and you should NEVER lie.. The world just isn't that way when a person gets out into it ![]() If I had a nickel for every deserving A>>Hole I called a liar each week, and crooks I called crooks, I'd be able to buy a healthy sexlife. Something I learned very early (because I started working parttime jobs at 11 years of age after school (just for credit for my tropical fish hobby), and HAD to work from 15 on, but what I learned is NEVER screw the small business person, because making ends meet is never easy. Especially today, I have the utmost respect for smaller people trying to make a buck such as Ebayers, because such people MUST like people to do what they do.. Ebayer, and many smaller sales people today assuming they CAN in fact survive, have to take a LOT of sand in the face... It's brutal.. I have the utmost respect for small business people. Especially since I wasn't tough enough to take the life-style indefineately and wouldn't have had the demeoner to live solely off've musicianship or entertainment industry... I've tasted it, done it, and it's rough ! Thing is, when it comes to huge corporations, and large retail chains, my conscience usually goes down the toilet these days regarding "feeling sorry for the fat and happy" that have little conscience, and aren't that honest to even their employees. |
Author: | Trex [ Wed May 30, 2007 7:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
I am glad to see I am not alone!!! I was begining to wonder. ![]() Thanks guys!! ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Charmin_Gibson [ Thu May 31, 2007 7:30 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
I guess I'm a bit old school too. My parents raised all of their 9 kids much the same way. And I have tried to raise my kids this way too. And I'm not bragging, but my kids are good kids. Never had trouble with drinking, drugs, or smoking or any of that stuff, they all (so far) have gotten out and got jobs at age 16.... and kept the jobs. They treat adults with respect, and would never be mean to ANYone just for meanness sake. My boys respect women and would NEVER hit one, my daughter is respectful and doesn't dress like a floozy like so many teenage girls do. But.... my 13 year old son just got suspended last week from school. There is one boy at school (borrowed Harley's guitar pedal, broke it, wont replace it... long story) .. but they don't get along. They got in an argument at school, and according to the teacher who witnessed it, the other boy threw the first punch. Harley, of course, got suspended...... for "fighting back". There's a "no tolerance policy" at schools here, if you get physical.... you're suspended... no matter who instigated. But, he did indeed come back in swinging and stood up for himself. From what I hear of it, the other boy was sporting a few bruises and a cut up lip. Now, maybe I sound "proud" of my son for doing that, but maybe I am. He knows not to instigate trouble, but he's also been taught to stick up for himself if it comes down to it. Is he grounded for fighting? Hell no. My bet is that this boy will think twice before he decides to swing at my son again. AND... when HIS mother found out what the fight was about.... she made her son take the money to school and pay Harley for the guitar pedal he broke. Happy ending, I think;) But, a lot of parents these days, would have told their son "You should never hit back, you should let the teachers handle it". I don't think so. He did exactly as I would have expected him to. . |
Author: | Trex [ Thu May 31, 2007 9:16 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
Happy ending for sure!!!! :hi5: Thats the way it should be!!!! :yes: Great job Charmin :hug: |
Author: | Charmin_Gibson [ Thu May 31, 2007 9:35 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
![]() Hiya suga;) Why are you sitting in the forums when you SHOULD be singing for us? . |
Author: | Trex [ Thu May 31, 2007 9:58 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
Hummm.....Good Question! LOL ...Just not in the mood I guess. :no: Always nice to see you tho... :hug: :yes: :) |
Author: | Charmin_Gibson [ Thu May 31, 2007 10:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Cowboy Ways |
Neo @ Thu May 31, 2007 9:58 am wrote: Always nice to see you tho... Awww.... you too, you know that. (not get to singin') Lol ![]() . |
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