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Singer's monitor
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Author:  Skyz [ Wed May 30, 2007 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Singer's monitor

I am considering going to a singer's monitor. My reason is, I'm now playing larger rooms and may want to switch to stereo... Because my amp will only do 8 ohms per channel, how can I only connect a Peavey Impulse II as it is rated at 16 ohms?

Author:  Lonman [ Thu May 31, 2007 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Singer's monitor

2 16 ohm speakers hooked up to the same channel will yield 8 ohms - if you are only hooking 1 16 ohm speaker up, the amp may not be powerful enough to push them efficiently, the more ohms, the less power the amp pushes & the speaker receives.   What does the rest of your system consist of to begin with?  Makes, models, amps, speakers, processors?

As far as running stereo, really is no need - especially in larger rooms.  The bigger the room, the less need for stereo.

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