I keep getting this error pop up a few times while using the search function:
Could not insert search results
SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '1290425230' for key 1
INSERT INTO search_results (search_id, session_id, search_time, search_array) VALUES(1290425230, '6b7a423b9ab4d59bf5ad457bd54de410', 1217444152, 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:75:"13426, 13440, 13840, 13923, 14056, 14121, 14201, 14218, 14219, 14220, 14221";s:17:"total_match_count";i:11;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:6:"topics";s:12:"return_chars";i:200;}')
Line : 827
File : search.php
Have you recently moved hosts or restored a backup or anything??? I dunno if this will help but it's been good advice before:
If your backup was created by the built-in PHPBB admin backup utility, there is a problem with it - it does not properly detect auto_increment fields on the newer versions of MySQL. See the topic Repair Auto_increment on groups table for some help in correcting the problem, assuming you have access to phpmyadmin, and check the other tables... Tables with auto_increment columns:
phpbb_groups => group_id
phpbb_banlist => ban_id
phpbb_categories => cat_id
phpbb_disallow => disallow_id
phpbb_forum_prune => prune_id
phpbb_posts => post_id
phpbb_privmsgs => privmsgs_id
phpbb_ranks => rank_id
phpbb_search_wordlist => word_id
phpbb_smilies => smilies_id
phpbb_themes => themes_id
phpbb_topics => topic_id
phpbb_vote_desc => vote_id
phpbb_words => word_id