This is basically for those who want to know, and for me to keep track, of what modifications I've installed on this forum.
Attachment MOD - allows members to post images to the forum
Member Of MOD - Shows the UserGroups a member belongs to in the viewtopic and in their profile.
Online Mod - Shows whether or not a member is currently in the forums.
Enhanced Admin User Lookup - this just helps me, find you.
MODs I plan to install:
Birthday MOD - will display a member's birthday and automatically show them a message on that special day wishing them the best.
Real Name MOD - will add the members Real Name to their profile.
Calendar MOD - will display a calendar when link is clicked with members birthdays and more...
Avartar on Registration MOD - will offer the new registrant the opportunity to select an avatar when they register.
Tell A Friend MOD - will allow visitors to tell others about the forum using a link to a form.