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was there an attempt to hack our KS site?
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Author:  Brian A [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Phill, was there an attempt to hack our KS site? Yesterday & today every time I log-in to ks my virus protect (avast!) shows up on screen telling me “malicious url blocked / infection mail ht**p/ww*:i.trkj……...” I’m not going to complete the link here because I think that’s the malicious site that infected my pc, or for my ks site anyway.

I can navigate on other & all sites with no warning pop-ups. Just at ks. I just close the pop-up warning, then its fine again; go to another ks page & the pop-up warning again, it's every time I'm on ks it has now too bothersome that keeps on doing it. Can't do anything until I close the pop-up. Again, this is just at ks site. So frustrating I’m more inclined to delete/clean my hd & reload all the files but that process will take a whole day. Just wonderin’

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

I am getting very high CPU usage when I go to KS (forums) as well. Everytime I navigate a page, it jumps off the scale for a moment.

Author:  Micky [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Brian A wrote:
Phill, was there an attempt to hack our KS site? Yesterday & today every time I log-in to ks my virus protect (avast!) shows up on screen telling me “malicious url blocked / infection mail ht**p/ww*:i.trkj……...” I’m not going to complete the link here because I think that’s the malicious site that infected my pc, or for my ks site anyway.

I can navigate on other & all sites with no warning pop-ups. Just at ks. I just close the pop-up warning, then its fine again; go to another ks page & the pop-up warning again, it's every time I'm on ks it has now too bothersome that keeps on doing it. Can't do anything until I close the pop-up. Again, this is just at ks site. So frustrating I’m more inclined to delete/clean my hd & reload all the files but that process will take a whole day. Just wonderin’

Which navigator are you using?

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Micky wrote:
Which navigator are you using?

Mozilla Firefox

Author:  Micky [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Brian A wrote:
Micky wrote:
Which navigator are you using?

Mozilla Firefox

And are you using an Ad Blocker?

Author:  WolfMan [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

I also use firefox and have the latest version, but in the last two days have noticed some strange things also....such as two different times I had to close the browser and delete cookies..etc because everything froze and I could not navigate to and fro on pages in the show case and or forum.

It's not affecting me much, but it did happen a few times, enough that I knew something was going on that should not be!

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Micky wrote:
Brian A wrote:
Micky wrote:
Which navigator are you using?

Mozilla Firefox

And are you using an Ad Blocker?

Yes micky, ad-blocker active at all times. Don’t have any freezing-up nor high mem usage, just the annoying pop-ups regarding virus from kjmp malware.

Even my Rollback Rx or the pc system restore (go back to an earlier time) didn’t help, tried that a few times as well. But all these are now OBE (overtaken by events)! I was pretty close to erasing my entire drive when I got a pm from an active poster (I’m not at liberty to say who because it was via pm). His advice on what to do was spot-on. Problem solved! I’m indebted to him for what could’ve been an entire day cleaning up & reloading my hd files. Thanks, y’all!

Author:  c. staley [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Brian A wrote:
I was pretty close to erasing my entire drive when I got a pm from an active poster (I’m not at liberty to say who because it was via pm). His advice on what to do was spot-on. Problem solved! I’m indebted to him for what could’ve been an entire day cleaning up & reloading my hd files. Thanks, y’all!

Then please edit out the name and forward it to me with their permission of course.... these ads (especially facebook's ad) does nothing but lock up my screen.

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

c. staley wrote:
Brian A wrote:
I was pretty close to erasing my entire drive when I got a pm from an active poster (I’m not at liberty to say who because it was via pm). His advice on what to do was spot-on. Problem solved! I’m indebted to him for what could’ve been an entire day cleaning up & reloading my hd files. Thanks, y’all!

Then please edit out the name and forward it to me with their permission of course.... these ads (especially facebook's ad) does nothing but lock up my screen.

Chip, it wasn't an ad popping but my avast anti-virus popping up all time to inform me about a "Warning! kjmp malware virus" embedded in my drive. Only happens at ks forum site, close it, go to another ks page & it will constantly pop-up. DOESN'T happen on facebook or any other sites I visit. Just at ks.

Having said that - Note to my PM sender - pm me again if it's ok to pm Chip the info you sent. I promise to edit/not include your name. Better yet, pm Chip since you know him well (i think) :)

Author:  WolfMan [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

On the news today....

Microsoft Corp warned a newly discovered bug in its Internet Explorer web browser makes PCs vulnerable to attack by hackers and urged customers to download a piece of security software to mitigate the risk of infection.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/ ... CA20120918

The free security tool, which is known as the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, or EMET, is available through an advisory on Microsoft's website: blogs.technet.com/b/msrc/

The EMET software must be downloaded, installed and then manually configured to protect computers from the newly discovered threat, according to the posting from Microsoft. The company also advised customers to adjust several Windows security settings to thwart potential attackers, but cautioned that doing so might impact the PC's usability.

Some security experts said it would be too cumbersome for many PC users to implement the measures suggested by Microsoft. Instead they advised Windows users to temporarily switch from Internet Explorer to rival browsers such as Google Inc's Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox or Opera Software ASA's Opera.

"For consumers it might be easier to simply click on Chrome," said Dave Marcus, director of advanced research and threat intelligence with Intel Corp's McAfee security division.

Marc Maiffret, chief technology officer of the security firm BeyondTrust, said it may not be feasible for some businesses to install Microsoft's EMET tool on their PCs.

He said the security software has in some cases proven to be incompatible with existing programs already running on networks.

Tod Beardsley, an engineering manager with the security firm Rapid7, said that at first blush it appeared that the EMET may not be particularly effective in thwarting potential attacks.

Microsoft officials declined to comment on the skepticism that those security experts expressed about the effectiveness of the EMET software.


Eric Romang, a researcher in Luxembourg, discovered the flaw in Internet Explorer on Friday, when his PC was infected by a piece of malicious software known as Poison Ivy that hackers use to steal data or take remote control of PCs.

When he analyzed the infection, he learned that Poison Ivy had gotten on to his system by exploiting a previously unknown bug, or "zero-day" vulnerability, in Internet Explorer.

"Any time you see a zero-day like this, it is concerning," said Liam O Murchu, a research manager with anti-virus software maker Symantec Corp. "There are no patches available. It is very difficult for people to protect themselves."

Zero-day vulnerabilities are rare, mostly because they are hard to identify - requiring highly skilled software engineers or hackers with lots of time to scrutinize code for holes that can be exploited to launch attacks. Security experts only disclosed discovery of eight major zero-day vulnerabilities in all of 2011, according to Symantec.

Symantec and other major anti-virus software makers have already updated their products to protect customers against the newly discovered bug in Internet Explorer. Yet, O Murchu said that may not be sufficient to ward off adversaries.

"The danger with these types of attacks is that they will mutate and the attackers will find a way to evade the defenses we have in place," he said.

Internet Explorer was the world's second-most widely used browser last month, with about 33 percent market share, according to StatCounter. It was close behind Chrome, which had 34 percent of the market.

Just thought you all might want to know the above... even if it may, or may not have anything to do with the issues you are experiencing here as of late.


Author:  Micky [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Brian A wrote:
c. staley wrote:
Brian A wrote:
I was pretty close to erasing my entire drive when I got a pm from an active poster (I’m not at liberty to say who because it was via pm). His advice on what to do was spot-on. Problem solved! I’m indebted to him for what could’ve been an entire day cleaning up & reloading my hd files. Thanks, y’all!

Then please edit out the name and forward it to me with their permission of course.... these ads (especially facebook's ad) does nothing but lock up my screen.

Chip, it wasn't an ad popping but my avast anti-virus popping up all time to inform me about a "Warning! kjmp malware virus" embedded in my drive. Only happens at ks forum site, close it, go to another ks page & it will constantly pop-up. DOESN'T happen on facebook or any other sites I visit. Just at ks.

Having said that - Note to my PM sender - pm me again if it's ok to pm Chip the info you sent. I promise to edit/not include your name. Better yet, pm Chip since you know him well (i think) :)

Brian, this was my next step, I was going to suggest using another antivirus program as Avast will slow down your system and is not the best freeware... The best freeware is the Microsoft Security Essentials :wink:

http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/wind ... essentials

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

That is really odd!?

I cannot discover any issues nor can I recreate the situation.

I ran a Virus check on the server and on the website.

If anyone can provide we with an answer to what exactly is occurring I'd appreciate it!

Author:  jdmeister [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

On another site I moderate, a corrupted banner ad was a problem from time to time..

Not sure how you handle banners ads.. Store local, or link in?

Author:  c. staley [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

jdmeister wrote:
On another site I moderate, a corrupted banner ad was a problem from time to time..

Not sure how you handle banners ads.. Store local, or link in?

I know that every time my browser tries to load a Facebook banner, I have to hit the back button – sometimes repeatedly – to get the ball rolling again.

Using Firefox

Author:  chrisavis [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

I am using IE9 and have no issues.


Author:  jdmeister [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Today I'm on ubuntu 12.4 and no issues..

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

I use Chrome, Opera, or Safari - all other browsers have too many problems for me.

Author:  MrBoo [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: was there an attempt to hack our KS site?

Used Chrome and IE9 and 8 with no issues. And it could be a corrupt banner that only Firefox picks up or something stored in the temp folder. I haven't used Firefox; does it store files? If so maybe its a stored file and clearing the temp folder might fix it.

Antivirus programs aren't doing much good lately with the same day crap that's coming out. The new stuff can change it's appearance constantly and it's making malware definitions almost useless.

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