Dear Phill
When I record a song I always add 2 seconds of silence at the start of the song file, and I always fade out the blank space after songs ends. I test listen to every song I record several times before uploading to Singers Showcase to make sure all sounds ok.
The problem I am having is after I upload a song here as of late, and then listen as SS tells us to after we upload, when the song ends it then sounds like it is about to re-start at the very end of the silence which makes it sound like I made a boo boo on my Recording
This has happened a couple times now, and as stupid as it sounds, When I listen to my mp3 before upload it does not have this glitch at the end of the song, but after I upload to SS then not only does the upload have the glitch, but then my file on my computer does...but only after i upload to SS.
I know this makes no sense at all, and I may be the only one who this happens to, but I simply don't understand how this could even be possible??? Thought maybe you could check into this to see what you think could cause this.
The next song I upload... I will add another 2 seconds to the start of the file, and add another 4 seconds to the end of the file to see if this helps...but I have never had this to ever happen before and is why I am even bringing up this issue.
Thanks in advance!!
P.S. ..I know I am getting old but this has me confused