I have received numerous complaints from members regarding not receiving emails. These are emails that are sent to members to let them know that someone has posted to a topic that they are "watching" or to let them know that they have a PM. Also, newly registered members receive an email that confirms that they indeed have a new account.
The bigger ISPs and internet mail services often block emails that are not sent directly to a member of their service or that come from a "known" Spam source. We have so many members that use our site and send emails or PMs to each other. Plus they request to be notified of posts that some ISPs including AOL believe that it is SPAM! They can't comprehend that our site is that popular! I have personally contacted these ISPs on numerous occassions but they continue to block incoming emails.
Companies like AOL, Yahoo, MSN etc. do this to
"protect" their customers! Sometimes it is a good thing.
Check your Spam/blocked/bulk mail folders the email may be in there. Also, you may want to be certain that emails from the following urls are allowed to send you emails, these are ones that are used by this site.
pinball.crosswebtech.com - the actual server name.
karaokescene.com, karaoke-forum.com, singersshowcase.com, thatskaraoke.com, & karaokefest.com
Hope that helps.
Bottom Line - Don't Use AOL but they are a real pain for me...