Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Problems, nothing but problems...
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Fri May 02, 2003 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Problems, nothing but problems...

Okay - Some of you may have noticed recently that we have been experiencing some technical difficulties.

First, let me apologize. What was supposed to be simple turned out to be a disaster.

Second, the reason for the difficulties.

We have been using a shared host server for this site as well as the others that I have created. Then there were several hundred other people using the same host server! When one person had troubles with their scripts and/or they caused a glitch in the system all sites on the server were effected.

Originally, we were going to just transfer all sites to another server. In this process the original server went "kaput!" We had to manually retrieve all files and restore the system.

Third, I got tired of having these problems and went ahead and purchased a dedicated server. Can you say "MONEY!" Yep, it cost quite a bit to set it up and then the monthly fees are up there as well. However, I believe we should no longer experience any difficulties.

I hope that the troubles are behind us (fingers crossed) Now that I have a dedicated server - Only those sites that I create will be placed on it. So if there is a problem in most cases it will be my fault. Although the server is off site and I cannot control outside forces that cause technical or other problems. There is never a 100% guarantee but rest assured I am doing everything I can to keep this site, as well, my others up and running.

Fourth and Finally, ENJOY! :D

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