Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Forum Guideline Update!
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Author:  admin [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Forum Guideline Update!

When the Karaoke Scene Karaoke Forums first went online over 10 years ago, we had no idea how well received they would turn out to be. We started with just a few topics, mostly users simply discussing Karaoke, and now we have thousands of threads in more than 15 discussion sections.

During this growth and development, we had a general set of guidelines on how we wanted things to be handled in the forums. We've tried to let the forums more or less police themselves, relying on the users to determine what is and isn't acceptable. But our forums have grown and are much more populated than they used to be. People from all walks of life, from teenagers to senior citizens, people from the U.S. all the way to the Fiji Islands participate on our forums, and due to the wide range of users and demographics, we have felt it necessary to enforce these rules. We didn't make these rules to curb open communication, but rather to make the forums more enjoyable for all involved. After all, what may seem perfectly acceptable to someone from one region or demographic may be offensive to someone else.

With the help of many users just like you, we've defined a set of guidelines to help coordinate behavior on the forums. They're all common sense rules that we should know, but that we tend to forget because of the anonymity of the web. I invite all of you to look them over and start putting them to use.

We have implemented a new profile feature that requires your "real name." This will only be seen by the forum moderators, Karaoke Scene staff and, of course, you.

Additionally, we want to make it perfectly clear that the administration makes the final decision on the banning of a member. Moderators will occasionally move posts in order help with the overall flow of a thread/topic. These posts are placed in a private section of the forums where they may be reviewed. Prior to a member being banned they will receive warnings from Moderators or other KS staff members in order to inform the individual of their offense, so that they do not continue to violate the rules.

NOTE: Posting a disagreement with the decision of a moderator or administrator is a violation! While we can accept criticism, it should be through email or PM, not in a public post.

In the interest of fairness, and to keep these forums as outstanding as they already are, we have started enforcing these polices more rigorously. We have a great group of forum moderators who have been helping us out with these new guidelines and will continue to do so fairly.

Further, after a great deal of discussion, it was decided by the Administration & the moderators to grant amnesty for all past offenders thereby allowing all previously banned members to return to the Karaoke Forums. They will be permitted to return with the understanding that they agree to abide by the terms of the forum rules.

The Karaoke Scene staff, management and moderators want to thank all of you for your continued support. These forums would not be possible without you. I would also like to personally thank you as we look forward to many more years of growth and enjoyment.

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