Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

KJ of the Year - 2014
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  KJ of the Year - 2014


The voting for coveted KJ of the Year Awards is coming soon. But there is a new wrinkle this time.

Because of the difficulties of conflicting information and voters providing only partial or erroneous data, we needed to make a change in the procedure in order to more accurately tabulate the votes. So, this year, to be considered for KJ of the Year honors, you will need to register. No personal information will be requested, only what we actually need to keep things orderly.

This will result in a ballot that is much more user friendly and, most importantly, accurate. Voters will be presented with a choice of registered KJs whose information has already been verified. When they vote, we will know precisely how, and for whom, that vote is to be counted. We have also offered some additional goodies to those KJs who register. Don’t be left out of this year’s KJ of the Year Awards. Please register at your earliest opportunity.

You can just follow this link: KJ Registration – KJ of the Year. Good luck to all!

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