Show him around Ft. Collins? Not a lot of town to show him! Laughing I kid, I'm a born Coloradan, so I gotta rib ya a bit Very Happy
Oer the years I have worn out 3 plextors. The old Pioneer lasres esp in a smoky bar would get dirty opicsand would have garbled tect but the first sign was usually audio dropouts. The problems I had was with the first 300 cd's that had seen a lot of show use before I ripped them ( I was one of the first ripping the new smaller cd's. and have run digital karaoke for almost a deccade) In those days we would use the shacks cd scratch kit and try to clean and get all the glitches out. One of the reasons I switched was I was getting tired of cleaning optics on a regular basis. In a smoky bar they should be cleaned eery month or two. The audio quality gradually deterioaes.
It doesnt take an investigator or smarts to detect a pirate. The firts telltalesign is by the books. They have books with different naming formas and a lot of typos. They might even have books wih differnt libraries. They seem toacquire a huge library overnight.
Ask anybody in the bar. Singers and regulars know who cheats and who doesnt. There are regs that have drank in karaoke bars for years and know it inside out and have never sang. Wheher a host is using discs or computer has nothing to do with proof.
With all the hoopla ans socalled knowledge here I am surprised that nobody seems to have the experience of years of ripping and problems of buildng a legal library. Tere isstill a lot of guessing about the tecgnical aspects and laws. It is all speculation.
I have spent years pecking on a keyboard renaming, getting rid of typos, dups and printing books with different formats. I know hosts tha have done the same thing and we all have a huge pride and attitude. We can spot a pirate 2 minues after walking into one of their shows. Thats why I wonder about most of the crap Iread on these threads.