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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 11:23 pm 
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you do what works best in your situation in your area. in AZ, young or old they prefer SongbookDB to books and make fun of those being so "behind the times" using paper books that are 100% of the time missing songs they actually have in the system. so no matter what, they have to go ask the host what they have available to sing.
they prefer the larger font on the kiosks
the prefer the bright screen over dark books
they prefer not needing paper and pens
but that is in AZ...where others like Lon are is a different story. his younger crowds even like books better, so if he went to a VFW, Legion, Eagles or something like that...they would tar and feather him.
but that's why there are options.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:25 am 
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Shocks me that more people dont rate zoom higher than sound choice, their versions are far better overall!

And proper endings not fade outs.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:58 am 
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GenerationX wrote:
Shocks me that more people dont rate zoom higher than sound choice, their versions are far better overall!
Zoom is much better than they used to be - especially in their newer stuff but the back catalog stuff being released today as well, but I have many Zoom tracks that I bought in the 90's that stink - some were flat out midi sounding - more than any SC tracks I have.
Also almost EVERY SC track I have has a proper ending, they rarely if ever faded out a track.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:09 am 
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I use SongbookDB for my songbook... I don't use "dead tree" books anymore. I was tired of people destroying the books via alcohol or other means, fragmented update pages, and general maintenance of the book.

Since printing my books with heavy duty binders and pages cost about the same as an old tablet (I have 7 kiosk tablets now). I tossed out the books and never looked back. After a year of service, I have not had any problems with theft, damage, etc. Although now that I said that... it's gonna happen lol.

Also there is the wow factor... I get compliments about the system all the time. "why doesn't everyone use this?" is a common one.

While we mostly get high kiosk usage, my regulars tend to use their smartphones and because we turn on the software before the gig starts, they can get online quicker and we have a nice rotation ready to go out of the gate.

And of course, if a singer can't find something, they know that I am their to help out :)

If for some reason someone wants to browse my songbook, I do have an exported master PDF file that I can run on the tablets: Scroll to your hearts content.

This also isn't to say SongbookDB is perfect. It has some annoying things I'd love to fix, but it's nothing I can't work around.

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