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 Post subject: Re: Homemade Karaoke
PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:21 pm 
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earthling12357 wrote:
The torrent news sites portray KaraokeRG as a group of old men who just harmlessly create their own karaoke versions of must have songs that are unavailable and are being unfairly picked on by the law.
In truth, if you were to check the collection of what KaraokeRG has been distributing through torrents you would find that the homemade stuff is the smallest percentage of everything else they have offered up from almost every other producer.

The KaraokeRG group distributed through Torrents and iRC. Much of the KaraokeRG content has been re-distributed over to other iRC sharing services and some of their original torrents are still being seeded.

There is another UK based iRC karaoke channel that has been around for at least 5-6 years and doesn't appear to have suffered any ill effects from the bust.


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 Post subject: Re: Homemade Karaoke
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:11 am 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
Lonman wrote:
I'm sure Pillsbury doesn't give a rip if I made cookies from their package to sell - but that isn't the issue. To say something is not homemade just because he didn't actually record the instrumental & write the words is silly. He bought the instrumental & totally MADE the graphics to sync up with the song in the proper places. THAT IS homemade!

I see. So I can take an Eagles song I found online, add it to a video of dogs copulating from YouTube (I'm sure there's one there- seems to have everything, from what I'm told), and put it on some TV channel that would have it as a dog food commercial- and have absolutely no worries about litigation. It's homemade, because I combined the two, therefore it is my creation.
Got it. :roll:

At this point, YouTube is considered akin to television- public media. One cannot use others' creations there without expecting to require permissions from the creators. YouTube's reasoning was valid.

NO... actually, you are confusing the issues... Homemade IS made at home... with WHATEVER you gathered to make it EVEN IF some or all of the parts where created by others. THAT (as Lon rightfully stated earlier) IS homemade. HOMEMADE has nothing to do with legal or not legal... The parts that you use to make something HOMEMADE determine whether it is legal or not. Your creations where you did all the music and lyrics and everything is HOMEMADE and LEGAL. In the case of the original post... the person publicly posted works that they did not have the correct permissions to post... so their HOMEMADE creations were NOT LEGAL and therefore blocked. Legality and Homemade are not mutually exclusive!

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 Post subject: Re: Homemade Karaoke
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:51 am 
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And the KRG and DFK sites are no longer working btw.

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 Post subject: Re: Homemade Karaoke
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:29 am 
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Lonman wrote:
And the KRG and DFK sites are no longer working btw.

Actually... I did a search for "KRG karaoke" and in fact they are available as a site on wordpress…

Not impressed with the quality so I don't use them... but the site is definitely still available with a simple search.

The site is there, but the links give a 404 error... so the songs have been removed.

Karaoke Etiquette: There are 2 reasons you should ALWAYS clap after every song...
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 Post subject: Re: Homemade Karaoke
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:59 am 
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DJ Sultan wrote:

The site is there, but the links give a 404 error... so the songs have been removed.

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