Bazza wrote:
c. staley wrote:
I'm very selective about who I sell them to.
Why? That's an odd business decision.
c. staley wrote:
But using them now is pretty much a waste isn't it? Especially since it appears that we now see SC does no investigation that they'll claimed they've "improved upon" over the years.
Only if you fear them. The recent Rodney thread shows it's nothing to be afraid of.
Right...nothing to be afraid of...
Let's see...he has been running an honest business for years and spent tens of thousands of dollars on legal discs. Then, with virtually no investigation, he got served a Complaint against him that contained flat out falsehoods (remember --they said he was WITNESSED DISPLAYING COUNTERFEIT TRADEMARKS when NOBODY EVER came to investigate his show) and he had to hire an attorney. And then Sound Choice Cheerleaders libeled his name on another internet forum. Yep. Nothing at all to be afraid of.
You think because they're dropping this suit against him that no damage was done? You drinking that Kool-Aid again?