HarringtonLaw wrote:
cueball wrote:
I understand what you are saying about the conditions of passing the audit, and the 2% variance allowance, and that somewhere within SC's policies, it is written that you still have to get rid of those songs and discs that fell into that 2%. Here's what I don't quite understand... After Chris passed his audit with SC, and it was pointed out that he had some fakes (unbeknownst to him prior to the audit) in his collection, why didn't the Auditor tell/instruct him that he now has to remove them from his harddrive and get rid of the counterfeit discs as versus Chris stating that he has decided to just do that on his own?
I think that's a fair question, and it is one that I am looking into for precisely the reason that you asked it. The audit acknowledgement does say that those tracks have to be removed. I will say that the audit rep who is on-site doing the audit isn't the one making that call; he's there to collect information and mark the discs. But if that wasn't made clear to Chris at the conclusion of his audit, that was a mistake. It should have been. I've had enough conversations with Chris to believe him when he says he wasn't told to remove the discs, so we will make certain to do so in the future.
While I wasn't asked to remove them, upon discovering the first fake, I placed it aside and mentioned I would delete the tracks. As we found the additional discs I repeated that I would delete them.
I don't think it was necessarily an oversight on the part of the auditor so much as me immediately saying I would be deleting them. The auditor certainly did not tell me it was no big deal and I could leave them. I made it clear I would delete so I just don't think he felt it necessary to note it as a part of the audit compliance.