leopard lizard wrote:
If venues are so paranoid about SC then why do they keep hiring so many pirates? They don't seem too intimidated to me.
i think i can shed a little light on this, at least in the Phoenix area...
they see anyone with certs or touting legality as being "in" with SC. When i touted my certs to venues i got stopped immediately and escorted out (if i was lucky to not have a can cruncher or worse pulled on me) because they saw me as the enemy. benefits of hiring legal and risks of hiring pirate is seen as the old Chicago mob, "it would be a shame if something happened to this beautiful building without OUR insurance...". so suddenly
I became the one who was calling SC on the venues being sued,
I became the one shouting about the pirates,
I became the one causing the microscope to be turned to this area. it seems their idea is to do what was SC tried to do, instead of taking away the pirates income forcing them to close up shop and go away, they decided to do the same to certified hosts and the risk to them according to what has happened here and what can be gleaned on-line is minimal at best.