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Stage Props
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Author:  TroyVnd27 [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Stage Props

How do you guys feel about stage props. For instance, funny hats, big sunglasses, wigs, etc.

I have never used them and I have mixed feelings about them. I pride myself in catering to people who can sing. It just seems like the props would encourage immaturity and I know that my good singers would probably not use them because they would think that they are distracting the audience from their performance.

I've done "beginner" karaoke in the past and that is not really a segment that I want to return to. And I have very little tolerance for on stage shenanigans (other than those that are part of the performance).

Any thoughts?

Author:  hiteck [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

I think they might have a place in a private party setting, but for a regular venue like a bar I think it might encourage the shenanigans.

Author:  Murray C [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

Not my kind of thing, but I guess if they are properly licensed, then it is up to the KJ how they wish to run their show! Wouldn't want to have Oakley or Lacoste spies waiting in the wings with their trademark infringement suits.

Author:  toqer [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

I once heard about this bar that had a Yamaha guitar on the stage.

Yamaha sued them for using their trademark in business. Yup, true story.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

We have them available as we enjoy shenanigans. People can be quite creative with them. But it is a pick and choose type of thing. If someone gets in the mood for playing guitar then the inflatables are there for them to grab. But if someone wants to just sing, then we don't usually thrust anything upon them--exception--Divas are fair game.

For the most part, we end up using them the most--people aren't that into communal hats and wigs for health reasons. But I like bringing out the Amy Winehouse wig on occasion and the boyfriend will wear a blonde curly one for Styx, etc. For some reason, last Sat., people who weren't even singing were just putting on funny hats and walking around. At the neighborhood bar venue, the singers are there just for fun so adding a bit of showmanship and humor helps to keep things entertaining and not stale. At the bigger city venue, we have some more accomplished singers and we find we don't bring out the props very often there.

For me, part of karaoke is the "3 Minute Rock and Roll Fantasy" so having props there to help it along often inspires people to up their entertainment value a bit.

Author:  johnreynolds [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

Nowadays we just use the Elvis glasses with lambchops, Michael Jackson glitter gloves, and 2 Paper Jams Guitars.

The wigs over the years were fun but you gotta lysol them and replace them often, and the thought of lice and dandruff...yuck!

Some of our singer-impersonators bring their own outfits and props which we greatly recommend! Rarely ever get outta hand..just fun for the singers. :D

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

I have a tambourine (my mom's from long ago) and a kazoo. Someone just had to buy my slide whistle.

Author:  DJMojo [ Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stage Props

ripman8 wrote:
I have a tambourine (my mom's from long ago) and a kazoo. Someone just had to buy my slide whistle.

I had a tambourine..........once. Never again. Got old real fast.

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