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Cadillac Jack CT
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Author:  SWIVALLER [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Cadillac Jack CT

I recently worked for this company called Cadillac Jack, or more like I was tricked into working for free.
I designed his website and marketed his company so he could get more clients. I worked for him for 2 weeks and when it came for him to pay me, gave me $100 and sent me on my way. I also Went to his show and took pictures of the event. I had to fix his Virus infested laptop so it would stop cutting in and out. I suspect he uses Pirate software. I ordered him to take my design down since he wasn't paying me. He is finally removing all my graphic images. I should let him know that also means the flash player of my photography done at his event.

Author:  Bazza [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cadillac Jack CT

I recently worked for this company called Cadillac Jack, or more like I was tricked into working for free.
I designed his website and marketed his company so he could get more clients. I worked for him for 2 weeks and when it came for him to pay me, gave me $100 and sent me on my way. I also Went to his show and took pictures of the event. I had to fix his Virus infested laptop so it would stop cutting in and out. I suspect he uses Pirate software. I ordered him to take my design down since he wasn't paying me. He is finally removing all my graphic images. I should let him know that also means the flash player of my photography done at his event.

If you did legitimate work and have documentation, you will get a much better response taking him to small claims court than posting on a Karaoke Forum.

Author:  Cueball [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cadillac Jack CT

Bazza wrote:
If you did legitimate work and have documentation, you will get a much better response taking him to small claims court than posting on a Karaoke Forum.


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