Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???
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Author:  DJMojo [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

I heard Karaoke Scence's "KJ of the year" was named in a Sound Choice lawsuit. Is this true ???


Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

DJMojo wrote:
I heard Karaoke Scence's "KJ of the year" was named in a Sound Choice lawsuit. Is this true ???


Thanks for asking, I was thinking the same thing. Has anyone heard a response from the "KJ of the Year" about the suit? I am sure they would like to clear this up as quickely and quietly as possible.

What happens to the award of "KJ of the Year" if infact they are found to be guilty?

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

Rumbolt, you surprise me.

You continually claim that the entire McLeod's incident is basically a "no big deal" issue because the KJ showed the discs and was dropped... Remember?

However in this case, you're chomping at the bit to know what will happen to the KJ "of the year at Karaokescene" when in FACT, nothing has happened. But it certainly appears by your interest that you've already decided that for some reason, they're guilty and you want to what will happen to their award. Not to mention that you are ready to exact your own punishment....(by taking away some award?)

I have downloaded the complaint:
There are FORTY SEVEN DEFENDANTS in the suit and it appears that the only criteria used to be named is:
#1. Use a computer
#2. Appear to have at least (or over) 8,500 tracks (songs)

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
Rumbolt, you surprise me.

You continually claim that the entire McLeod's incident is basically a "no big deal" issue because the KJ showed the discs and was dropped... Remember?

However in this case, you're chomping at the bit to know what will happen to the KJ "of the year at Karaokescene" when in FACT, nothing has happened. But it certainly appears by your interest that you've already decided that for some reason, they're guilty and you want to what will happen to their award. Not to mention that you are ready to exact your own punishment....(by taking away some award?)

I have downloaded the complaint:
There are FORTY SEVEN DEFENDANTS in the suit and it appears that the only criteria used to be named is:
#1. Use a computer
#2. Appear to have at least (or over) 8,500 tracks (songs)

Chip Chip Chip,
I just responded to what MOjo posted and I NEVER said they were guilty now did I?
I just wondered what will happen to the "KJ of the Year" award if the charges stick.

Re-read my post or MOjo's and quit reading between the lines of my post. Neither of us are are pinning guilty on the kj. If I am for gods sake quote me! So I can see what you are seeing!

I know nothing fo the process of the investigation in Ca. so I cannot make a judgement call. I just asked what will happen if they are guilty if it turned out that way? Get over Mcleods it ain't the same case. BTW, they found OJ not guilty, case closed but, I guess you think he still did it?

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

rumbolt wrote:
I just asked what will happen if they are guilty if it turned out that way? Get over Mcleods it ain't the same case. BTW, they found OJ not guilty, case closed but, I guess you think he still did it?

You certainly don't seem to be very interested in what will happen if they are NOT found to be anything.... which is the other side of the coin. And currently NOTHING has happened. You are the one that has stated that just being named in lawsuit is a no-big-deal thing, but you're "interested" in what will happen "if?".... You are the one posting regarding the KJ of the Year with a negative connotation. Got anything positive to contribute instead of "wondering what will happen if..?"

BTW, this is NOT a criminal case, there is NO "guilty" or "not guilty." So your posts makes it sound like there is a possibility that this KJ has committed some type of criminal act.... that alone is prejudicial.

You want everyone to "get over McLeod's" because you blew the whistle on them with the media.. and they had done nothing, yet you have no problem slanting your opinion against any of the recent defendants.

(in your own forum that Wall Of Sound is advertising for you, you wouldn't have to be worried that someone would challenge your opinions.)

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

Knowing that some have been named in the past that turned out to be 1:1, I don't want to jump to judgment as to the legality or illegality of the host named or the others who are advertisers on here who were named. But it just seems like a glaring silence that there hasn't been any kind of statement from the owners or administrators of Karaoke Scene about this--not even, we are looking into it or we want to reserve judgment until the suits are resolved--just nothing. But not really just nothing as threads that mention it have been pulled. It worries me a bit.

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

If I owned this site, I'd pull them too. It is inappropriate to discuss legal action that has not been concluded to prove anything, period.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
rumbolt wrote:
I just asked what will happen if they are guilty if it turned out that way? Get over Mcleods it ain't the same case. BTW, they found OJ not guilty, case closed but, I guess you think he still did it?

You certainly don't seem to be very interested in what will happen if they are NOT found to be anything.... which is the other side of the coin. And currently NOTHING has happened. You are the one that has stated that just being named in lawsuit is a no-big-deal thing, but you're "interested" in what will happen "if?".... You are the one posting regarding the KJ of the Year with a negative connotation. Got anything positive to contribute instead of "wondering what will happen if..?"

BTW, this is NOT a criminal case, there is NO "guilty" or "not guilty." So your posts makes it sound like there is a possibility that this KJ has committed some type of criminal act.... that alone is prejudicial.

You want everyone to "get over McLeod's" because you blew the whistle on them with the media.. and they had done nothing, yet you have no problem slanting your opinion against any of the recent defendants.

(in your own forum that Wall Of Sound is advertising for you, you wouldn't have to be worried that someone would challenge your opinions.)

Thanks for the plug!

No no no! I did not blow the wistle on Mcleods!!!!!!! I called the press when there was a suit fied in the local courts about piracy, regardless of who the named were. Our marke was over run with pirates and i wanted the general public to know obout our plight. If it helped flush out a pirate or two (which it did) then the others that were named and proved (which they did) they were not STEALING SC BRANDED TRACKS (TRADEMARKED) the good for our industry. Challenge if you wish but beating a dead horse is tiring. If the KJ of the year proves they own all their tracks then good for them, case closed and then we move on, but you cant seem to do that. One more time, I never never never said the KJ of the Year IS guilty, just want to know what happens to the award if it turnes out they admit or by judgment are found to be and Infringer?

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
If I owned this site, I'd pull them too. It is inappropriate to discuss legal action that has not been concluded to prove anything, period.

Yet we have been discussing every other set of suits filed over the past two years.

Author:  Alex [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
I have downloaded the complaint:
There are FORTY SEVEN DEFENDANTS in the suit and it appears that the only criteria used to be named is:
#1. Use a computer
#2. Appear to have at least (or over) 8,500 tracks (songs)

Wow, "at least 8,500 tracks" makes them suspicious?? Really!? I have more than 10,000 in Sound Choice alone (!), not even mentioning DK, CB, LG, QH, PH, TH, ZM, PS, PR, RS, MM, and so on and so on and so on.... I must be SUPER suspicious then... LMAO

EDIT: Shouldn't this be in the legal forum?

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

rumbolt wrote:
No no no! I did not blow the wistle on Mcleods!

rumbolt wrote:
I called the press...

That's what I said. Perhaps I shouldn't have singled out McLeod's.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
rumbolt wrote:
No no no! I did not blow the wistle on Mcleods!

rumbolt wrote:
I called the press...

That's what I said. Perhaps I shouldn't have singled out McLeod's.

And it affected you how? And, you can stop trying to make me out the bad guy in that event either.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

c. staley wrote:
If I owned this site, I'd pull them too. It is inappropriate to discuss legal action that has not been concluded to prove anything, period.

Really? No discussion of any legal action until it is concluded. Humm maybe we should just stop all discussions and just close this and any other forum.

If you go back to the original posts, all that was ever asked was if the named turned out to be an actual infringer, would the "kj of the year" award still hold true. Mojo never implied they were, nor did I. You have just took the oportunity to bring up an old dead subject to try to stir up the pot. Please stay on topic.

Chip, can you answer the original posters question?

I can understand, just like a NCAA violation, take away the win if they are pirating music. Then I think Karaoke Scene should re-award to the second place winner. If, the names is cleared (by whatever means) then let the award stand.

Author:  KarenB [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

Only time I'm going to chime in on this subject.

1. The KJ of the Year contest is basically a popularity contest and the size and makeup of the song library is not necessarily a factor of who wins. You could have a library of nothing but SGB and still win if you got enough people to vote for you.

2. Just because she works for a company owned by her mother doesn't mean she has any say in how the co. is run. She is an employee who is supplied by the company with the equipment and music to run the show, none of it's hers.

Because someone works for a company that may or may not be doing something wrong, doesn't mean they're guilty also. If it does then just about everyone should be in jail.

Just my 2 cents.

Author:  c. staley [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

rumbolt wrote:
Chip, can you answer the original posters question?

Yes. I took the time, research and money to download the actual filed complaint with the federal court.

Did you bother to educate yourself on anything regarding this complaint before deciding what "should happen?"

rumbolt wrote:
I can, just like a NCAA violation, take away the win if they are pirating music. Then I think Karaoke Scene should re-award to the second place winner. If, the names is cleared (by whatever means) then let the award stand.

The original poster -- as you like to point out-- did NOT ask nor did they comment about the status of any contests or rewards - YOU did.

This is YOUR judgment call on someone who has been sued - and you have no facts on the case at all yet you want to sit in judgment of the outcome and declare that it should be treated like college ball game?


Author:  Wall Of Sound [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

KarenB wrote:

2. Just because she works for a company owned by her mother doesn't mean she has any say in how the co. is run. She is an employee who is supplied by the company with the equipment and music to run the show, none of it's hers.

Because someone works for a company that may or may not be doing something wrong, doesn't mean they're guilty also. If it does then just about everyone should be in jail.

Just my 2 cents.

That's a valuable 2 cents Karen & thanks for pointing that out.

Her mother, as well as the company, are also named in the lawsuit.

Also, KJ Of The Year 2002, from a different company, is also named in the lawsuit along with their company name.

That different companies website states that they have over 85,000 karaoke titles.

Author:  DJMojo [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

So I assume the answer to my question is "Yes". The links Mr. Stanley posted were dead for me.


Author:  Wall Of Sound [ Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

DJMojo wrote:
So I assume the answer to my question is "Yes". The links Mr. Stanley posted were dead for me.


What links? I didn't see any links to anywhere.

Author:  DJMojo [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

On Mr. Stanley's first post in this thread.


Author:  KarenB [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KJ of the year named in lawsuit ???

Chip didn't post any links, it's the site taking key words and making them links to ads. If you'll notice in your original question the word 'sound' has become a link. It's something that was being tried to help generate money for the web site, but I believe Phil said that once the trial period ends it will not be renewed.

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