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Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.
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Author:  jclaydon [ Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.

So i didn't know which forum to stick this in.

For those of you who may sort of known me from previous posts and the other board, you may remember that karaoke is something that I love and am passionate about.

You may also remember that I was forced into quitting due to a lack of funds, basic people skills and a few other factors.

Well, before I have to sell off the rest of my equipment and most of my music, I decided to have a big blowout party. I have invited well over 100 people, so it will be interesting to see how many, if any, show up.

anyway, while I was looking for a place to hold this party, I ran accross a restaurant that has a HUGE space, and most importantly encourages a kid friendly environment.

Now that place was booked solid for the rest of the year, but it got me thinking. I have always wanted to do a family oriented show where I could play the music at a decent level, wouldn't have to deal with drunk people. I also didn't like dealing with bar owners in general. I also feel like a family style show would be a better fit for me personality wise. Not to mention I know a lot more people from my church who would likely come on a semi-regular basis than i do from the karaoke crowd I hang out with.

So i am seriously considering approaching these people with the idea but am not sure how to approach it, especially considering they aleady have their entertainment planned for the rest of the year.

In either case, all comments, well wishes for my church/family party and prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I will come back with an update next Saturday to let you know how it went.



Author:  ripman8 [ Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.

jclaydon wrote:
So i didn't know which forum to stick this in.

For those of you who may sort of known me from previous posts and the other board, you may remember that karaoke is something that I love and am passionate about.

You may also remember that I was forced into quitting due to a lack of funds, basic people skills and a few other factors.

Well, before I have to sell off the rest of my equipment and most of my music, I decided to have a big blowout party. I have invited well over 100 people, so it will be interesting to see how many, if any, show up.

anyway, while I was looking for a place to hold this party, I ran accross a restaurant that has a HUGE space, and most importantly encourages a kid friendly environment.

Now that place was booked solid for the rest of the year, but it got me thinking. I have always wanted to do a family oriented show where I could play the music at a decent level, wouldn't have to deal with drunk people. I also didn't like dealing with bar owners in general. I also feel like a family style show would be a better fit for me personality wise. Not to mention I know a lot more people from my church who would likely come on a semi-regular basis than i do from the karaoke crowd I hang out with.

So i am seriously considering approaching these people with the idea but am not sure how to approach it, especially considering they aleady have their entertainment planned for the rest of the year.

In either case, all comments, well wishes for my church/family party and prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I will come back with an update next Saturday to let you know how it went.




Have fun and good luck.

Author:  kjathena [ Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.

have lit a seven day candle for you and am sending bright light and well wishes

Author:  jclaydon [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.

Well I promised you a report on how my church party went.

I had about 30 people cancel on me or not show up at all BUT 40 people still came.

It was quite a lively crowd, the new software barely gave me any problems. The only major problem was that they couldn't seem to understand the concept that I had to put their name into the sever first BEFORE they could use the kiosk, so that kept crashing..

However for a first run, it was good, I managed to keep a decent setup time *two hours once i got everything in, a personal record for me*

I had 25 people singing, and even the bishop of our church came, which is a big deal because he's WAY too busy to attend non church related stuff usually.

I was asked if I would do it again next year. It depends on how the 26th goes, but at this point i am thinking no.

Over all, I would call the whole thing a huge success.


Author:  kjathena [ Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need positive energy, prayers well wishes and advice.

Glad things went well for you James. I hope you get a good response when you speak with the manager about a regular show. In our area we have a christian cafe that does karaoke family style 2 times a month.....one of our ex KJ's "rents" one of our systems and we have edited books just for those shows. They go over very well. Best wishes for you.

Bright Blessings

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