MadMusicOne wrote:
...From what I'm gathering from some posters here, is that part of the reason that Chatbsuter has shut their doors is party due to their lawsuit loss with CAVS. So, out of curioisity, I searched for some more documentation about it and then ran across this: ... /506315/30....So, is CAVS saying "You want some?"
.....I'm so confused with all of the lawsuits flying around.
The lawsuit with sound choices in entirely different matter. in this case, CAVS is suing because sound choice referred to their machines as "illegal" in an e-mail that was sent to a number of people.
The response from sound choice to their lawsuit was to ask that it be dismissed because sound choice does not "do business in California" and that they don't have any warehouses in California, their offices are in North Carolina, etc. etc.
The court disagreed. And they disagreed because of a number of factors: sound choice licenses music from California companies, has distributors in California, sells discs to people in California, and last but not least; finds that it is a jurisdiction that sound choice can sue people in (as in their litigation business), and therefore should be able to be sued in as well. The denial clearly states that up to 25% of sound choices sales were completed to customers in California.
It's simply a method for sound choice to attempt to have the case thrown out. And it didn't work.