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Digital Preservation
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Author:  ed g [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Digital Preservation

Apparently there are a number of organizations dedicated to the preservation of digital data. Among other things they are involved in the legalities of media shifts for the preservation of audio, video, and data as technology renders initial storage strategies obsolete. Many of these groups (there are about 12) have been working with (and against) manufactures, content providers, and the government (many states are having pissing contests over costly stenographic court transcripts vs the legality of a video copy). While stenography is not a media shift it is a rather obsolete form of data preservation. They have drafted legislation regarding the rights of companies to distribute digitally works that were not originally recorded in that format (movies) i.e. can a movie studio claim digital rights to a work that was not recorded digitally? They can claim all rights, but does that reserve rights that didn't exist at time of production?

I bring this up here because many of these groups have recognized /added the cd as a dead storage medium and are now including new strategies for their data preservation. The war on / for media shift appears to have more players than we thought.

They advocate various 3, 5, 10, and 20 year technology shifts to preserve digital media. We have been told before the karaoke on cd's is like a car , if it wears out you must replace it. However we are also told it is not a "phonorecord" etc. It is digital data supplied and stored on a cd.

I wonder what effect this might have in the future?

Author:  mrmarog [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Preservation

The NSA is a very good example of "digital preservation" don't you think? :P

Author:  ed g [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Preservation

Yes, but these groups are involved with the storage and delivery aspects and the laws pertaining to them.

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Digital Preservation

ed, I believe many of the movie and recording companies are doing just that. You see it all the time. Studio X presents the remastered and digitalize version of "I Only Believe What I Believe And To Heck With The Laws".

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