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Newbie wanting to be legal
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Author:  equis [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie wanting to be legal

Hi to all:-) I just joined and made my first post in the newbie section, so it looks like I can ask some questions here. As I mentioned my wife and I are new KJ's and have been doing it, in retirement about a year now, to help pay the bills. We have invested quite a bit in equipment and music and I have a few questions on legalities of the music I have. Been singing for a few years and we have and original set of Chartbuster Essentials, the earlier ones 1-6 I got years ago when I started singing and the newer ones 7-10 I bought on ebay last week. I have no proof of purchase for the 1-6 as it was lost years ago in moves and who knows. The ones i got on ebay were new discs with no folders @ $150 each and I have proof of ownership on them. I am also concerned about some original (6) Super Karaoke Professional CDG's and a THM 2004 and SNTC Super CDG's. They are NOT copies and are all originals that I bought from a KJ that was way past retirement:-) These disks are all serial numbered on the back side and are all originals in great shape so I ripped all the songs from them and we have been using them. Also picked up a set of 2 Millennium SCDG's and a set of Nutech SCDGs and did the same with them......So what is exactly legal here as these are all original and not copied discs? Sorry if these questions may have been covered, but if so you may refer me to the topic.
Thank You Kindly To All,

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

As long as you have no SC and are ripping from discs you own, you are in compliance with other manufacturers policies. just don't get torrents and you are golden.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

Paradigm Karaoke has the right of it. DK has no interest in the U.S.A., so there is no worry about the Millenium discs. I have them, too. Nobody but Sound Choice and Digitrax Entertainment (what used to be Chartbuster), care about ripping your discs. If you have Sound Choice and want to rip them, you have to PAY them $150 to audit your system to make sure you are 1:1, one original song, off an original disc, for one ripped song. Otherwise you stand a chance of being sued. I would be careful with those Chartbuster discs. If they are ripped, you can get in trouble with a company called Piracy Recovery. They litigate for the old Chartbuster trademark. Otherwise you are safe. You can download single songs from All Star Karaoke, Karaoke Cloud, and Tricerasoft. These are purchased, legal downloads. Great for instant access to songs you need during a show. Good luck, and welcome.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

I won't debate download use here, but if you decide to go that route, you may wish to avoid Digitrax. They do not provide an itemized receipt (naming tracks that you have purchased) , therefore you would actually have no proof of ownership / legal sourcing such as it is.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

JoeChartreuse wrote:
I won't debate download use here, but if you decide to go that route, you may wish to avoid Digitrax. They do not provide an itemized receipt (naming tracks that you have purchased) , therefore you would actually have no proof of ownership / legal sourcing such as it is.

Joe, they DO keep your purchase history on your account. That is all the proof you need if they were to bother you. Just go to your account and hit the "purchased" button. Everything you bought is right there. As a matter of fact you can re-download them if you need to.

Author:  Brian A [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

Smoothedge69 wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
I won't debate download use here, but if you decide to go that route, you may wish to avoid Digitrax. They do not provide an itemized receipt (naming tracks that you have purchased) , therefore you would actually have no proof of ownership / legal sourcing such as it is.

Joe, they DO keep your purchase history on your account. That is all the proof you need if they were to bother you. Just go to your account and hit the "purchased" button. Everything you bought is right there. As a matter of fact you can re-download them if you need to.

I wish! Not quite like tricera or kv. Re-download from purchased history? Good luck on that.

Sorry, smooth but I’m with joe on this. :) Exactly why I don’t do business with dt anymore. You don’t get an itemized receipt. What you get is an invoice & transaction number along with your name & ccard number (xxxx - last four # showing). That’s it. Without proper documentation I could foresee getting into hot water with uncle sam by just showing this receipt as proof of purchase without the pertinent info. I emailed Gretchen about my concerns 2 months ago; the following was her reply, quoted here verbatim:

“Brian, I completely understand the frustration. We are in fact in the process of building a new Karaoke Cloud platform. We are in meetings with developers now. When we were working on our presentations this is the main concern that I addressed. This will take time, but I can assure you that it is not being ignored!!!!

As for the being able to redownload songs, that option was available. However, when a publisher tells us to pull down a song we have to do just that. We have to take it completely down from our site. My suggestion would be to make a back up for emergency purposes only.

I hope this has helped!! If you have any other questions please let me know”. -Gretchen

Side note Re: 2nd paragraph, redownload option – not quite accurate. I have over 180 tracks purchased & should be in my download history, only the recent 15 download tracks showing for redownload. No record of the remaining 165+ tracks (just checked the site half hour ago, still the same). Hard to believe that almost 90% of my purchased tracks were pulled down by the publishers due to copyright restrictions.

No knock on Gretchen here. She’s a very nice lady & lord knows she tried so hard to make this happen. It’s the powers that be.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

I didn't know that, Brian. I have only bought six or seven songs from them. I don't buy much from them because they still don't give previews like Tricerasoft does. I don't like buying songs if I can't hear them first.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

Smoothedge69 wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
I won't debate download use here, but if you decide to go that route, you may wish to avoid Digitrax. They do not provide an itemized receipt (naming tracks that you have purchased) , therefore you would actually have no proof of ownership / legal sourcing such as it is.

Joe, they DO keep your purchase history on your account. That is all the proof you need if they were to bother you. Just go to your account and hit the "purchased" button. Everything you bought is right there. As a matter of fact you can re-download them if you need to.

Yeah...um...no. They claim that they do, but folks here seem to have run into problems accessing that info. One poster (MrMarog? Brian A?) was told that the MAJORItyof his purchases coyld not be found.

There is absolutely no reason not to include itemized receipts with every purchase as other sites do except to cover the site owners' butt in case of liability issues. To repeat: If you are going to take the chance of using diwnloads, be smart enough to do si where sites provide itemized receipts, fiving the KJ at least a layer of protection and the ability to possibly claim "good faith ". Dt doesn't do that.

Keep in mind that I do not have any ill will towards DT like I do for SC. I'm just passing on info that might be helpful for downloaders.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
I won't debate download use here, but if you decide to go that route, you may wish to avoid Digitrax. They do not provide an itemized receipt (naming tracks that you have purchased) , therefore you would actually have no proof of ownership / legal sourcing such as it is.

Joe, they DO keep your purchase history on your account. That is all the proof you need if they were to bother you. Just go to your account and hit the "purchased" button. Everything you bought is right there. As a matter of fact you can re-download them if you need to.

Yeah...um...no. They claim that they do, but folks here seem to have run into problems accessing that info. One poster (MrMarog? Brian A?) was told that the MAJORITY of his purchases could not be found.

There is absolutely no reason not to include itemized receipts with every purchase as other sites do except to cover the site owners' butt in case of liability issues. To repeat: If you are going to take the chance of using downloads, be smart enough to do so where sites provide itemized receipts, giving the KJ at least a layer of protection and the ability to possibly claim "good faith ". DT doesn't do that.

Keep in mind that I do not have any ill will towards DT like I do for SC. I'm just passing on info that might be helpful for downloaders.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

With only 6 of their songs, I should be ok. LOL.

Author:  rumbolt [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

Smoothedge69 wrote:
I didn't know that, Brian. I have only bought six or seven songs from them. I don't buy much from them because they still don't give previews like Tricerasoft does. I don't like buying songs if I can't hear them first.

As for previews, you might not be aware that previews also requires additional licensing by the sellers located inside the US (= costing the seller more money) resulting in adding to the cost to you. This same thing is also true for Itunes and Amazon.

Author:  Lonman [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

Unauthorized 'preview' clips were the beginning of the demise of Karaoke.com. They were sued pretty bad. About the same time JOLT stopped & they revamped their website.

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie wanting to be legal

rumbolt wrote:
Smoothedge69 wrote:
I didn't know that, Brian. I have only bought six or seven songs from them. I don't buy much from them because they still don't give previews like Tricerasoft does. I don't like buying songs if I can't hear them first.

As for previews, you might not be aware that previews also requires additional licensing by the sellers located inside the US (= costing the seller more money) resulting in adding to the cost to you. This same thing is also true for Itunes and Amazon.

That STILL doesn't mean I should give them my business. I do not like buying songs without hearing it, first. I don't care about the licensing. Though, that being said, I would gladly pay a bit more per song to facilitate their ability to license the previews. I want full service, not partial service. To me, there is nothing worse than getting a crappy song because you couldn't hear it first.

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