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Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?
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Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Just took a peek at the presenters for the next Las Vegas conference. Looks like Ryan gave up on karaoke after last year's attempt. Kind of a shame, because with the RIGHT promotion and POPULAR presenters I think it would have made a large and successful addition.

Unfortunately, he 's like the venue that hired "crappy-oke" and now seems to think karaoke is not worth promoting.

Last year he had Kurt & co. (Not popular- a negative draw) , and most of the e -mails and ads pretty much ignored karaoke.

Was kind of hoping he would make a better try this time instead of giving up, because (selfishly) I thought that I would have enjoyed a show where an entity such as Mobile Beat actually put some "oomph " into karaoke presentations.

I guess I will wait and see how AC goes.....

Author:  Kuelman1 [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Last year he had Kurt & co. (Not popular- a negative draw)quote]

I seriously doubt Kurt being there had anything to do with it...really

Author:  mrmarog [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Kuelman1 wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
Last year he had Kurt & co. (Not popular- a negative draw)

I seriously doubt Kurt being there had anything to do with it...really

SC music might still be popular but I would bet that more legit owners of SC music are very unhappy with Kurt's tactics than are happy with his tactics. Since SC is about the only Manu that has any presence at all ..... it might actually have an impact.

Author:  chrisavis [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

I think it has more to do with......who's left?

When Digitrax was there the year I went, they were selling their other products with more gusto than karaoke (strictly my opinion).

I would go in a heartbeat of Karaoke Version, SBI, Sunfly, and ZOOM were all there. THEY are my suppliers these days. THEY are who I want to communicate with.

But don't get me wrong....if Pop Hits and Sound Choice are in attendance, I will spend time with them, but I know their story. I know what they have to offer (or not offer).

I am more interested in speaking to the people that are taking care of my current needs.

Author:  rumbolt [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Just took a peek at the presenters for the next Las Vegas conference. Looks like Ryan gave up on karaoke after last year's attempt. Kind of a shame, because with the RIGHT promotion and POPULAR presenters I think it would have made a large and successful addition.

Unfortunately, he 's like the venue that hired "crappy-oke" and now seems to think karaoke is not worth promoting.

Last year he had Kurt & co. (Not popular- a negative draw) , and most of the e -mails and ads pretty much ignored karaoke.

Was kind of hoping he would make a better try this time instead of giving up, because (selfishly) I thought that I would have enjoyed a show where an entity such as Mobile Beat actually put some "oomph " into karaoke presentations.

I guess I will wait and see how AC goes.....

I would not count karaoke out at Mobile Beat. There are plans in the works to have a karaoke module again in 2015. Stay tuned.

Author:  rumbolt [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

JoeChartreuse wrote:
Just took a peek at the presenters for the next Las Vegas conference. Looks like Ryan gave up on karaoke after last year's attempt. Kind of a shame, because with the RIGHT promotion and POPULAR presenters I think it would have made a large and successful addition.

Unfortunately, he 's like the venue that hired "crappy-oke" and now seems to think karaoke is not worth promoting.

Last year he had Kurt & co. (Not popular- a negative draw) , and most of the e -mails and ads pretty much ignored karaoke.

Was kind of hoping he would make a better try this time instead of giving up, because (selfishly) I thought that I would have enjoyed a show where an entity such as Mobile Beat actually put some "oomph " into karaoke presentations.

I guess I will wait and see how AC goes.....
Will you be there is there is a Karaoke module???

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

If it is worthwhile. I would not have gone to last year's even if I was off.

Bring in current music providers, well known and RESPECTED karaoke industry reps from whom I might actually gain some knowledge, and continue with the current equipment folks. That would be a nice push in the right direction.

Might also help if MB gives the impression that they actually give a damn about karaoke by including info about it in the e - mail advertisements. This would add some credibility.

Were I Ryan, I would probably bring an all - around karaoke person to aid in organizing that end of things, leaving Ryan free to work the DJ side, which is really his area of expertise.. Just thinking out loud....

Author:  jdmeister [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

The year I attended, I was disappointed by all of the "Back Stabbing" and closed door meetings designed to control all of Karaoke.

No open discussions on the future of Karaoke, just bitching and whining..

I see no need to repeat that experience.

Author:  BigJer [ Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

With all due respect, Kurt presented one single module. If you know everything there is to know about how to justify your pricing based off hard facts you can put in front of a bar owner and everything there is to know about how to market yourself using social media and are the guru of karaoke contests, then yeah the conference might have been a waste of your time. The rest of the folks here missed out.

Author:  Bazza [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

It's simple. A KJ is seen as a lower life form by that crowd. How many times have you heard/read: "Any idiot can play karaoke songs and call people up, but it takes real talent to mix music and fill a dance floor". It's the reason MYDJTALK eliminated their entire Karaoke sub-forum while keeping VJ's, wedding jocks and guys who do "Bubble Parties" for pre-school kids. Discrimination within our own ranks.

Author:  BigJer [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Some of the DJ crowd are definitely "young, dumb and..." you know the rest, but a few of the older, wiser DJs did attend some of the karaoke summit and ask questions about expanding their business. They were respectful with their questions and comments and honestly I didn't have any unpleasant interactions with DJs when I attended. Most of the people I met realized there are things we can learn from each other to grow our business and make more money. Why be rude to someone who might be able to teach you something valuable?

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

I hope I didn't come across as rude with my comments. I would love to go to these shows every time there is one. If nothing else, to just mingle with other KJ's and talk shop. But I need more than that to justify taking off work, finding replacement hosts if needed, and of course the overall cost of attending.

The one year I went to the MobileBeat show, it was clearly focused on DJ's as it should be. It was great to see light shows, watch some live mixing (which truly does amaze me), but I own a karaoke hosting company. I am interested in -

Who I can get content from
What innovations pertain specifically to KJ's
Seminars from folks in the karaoke industry that go beyond the legalities
Tips and Tricks for running, expanding, managing my karaoke business.

I am not interested in up sell opportunities being pitched to me by "karaoke companies" that distract me from my core karaoke business.

Given there was basically zero buzz after the Karaoke 4.0 Reboot at the last conference, it seems pretty clear to me that the folks that want us to attend haven't figured out how to make us want to be there.

Author:  twansenne [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

IMHO...Mobile Beat cares nothing about Karaoke.

Read my rant here....

Author:  chrisavis [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

You know what? This is how I think Mobile Beat, the ADJA, and Las Vegas DJ Show look at karaoke.

We fit into two categories -
We are a low margin upsell/attach to a DJ business (apparently adding a bubble machine or dry ice fog can be a line item that makes more money than a 4 hour karaoke show)

-or- (really it is AND)

We are amateur hacks that just take up space they could otherwise be doing a DJ show for.

Don't confuse this opinion about these conferences and organization with actual DJ's, some of which I know recognize who we really are. But there are a great many more who don't appreciate or respect what we do. Which is fine by me because not ONCE have I ever seen wireless karaoke. Ever.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

chrisavis wrote:

We are amateur hacks that just take up space they could otherwise be doing a DJ show for.

Don't confuse this opinion about these conferences and organization with actual DJ's, some of which I know recognize who we really are. But there are a great many more who don't appreciate or respect what we do. Which is fine by me because not ONCE have I ever seen wireless karaoke. Ever.
Yep they don't think kj's have any real skills and that anyone can do it, but 9 out of 10 times I've watched a really good dj TRY to host karaoke, it's usually a fail because while they may be able to read a crowd and know what to play, very few actually have any kind of mixing skills for vocals and effects. Now a really good kj on the flipside may not necessarily be able to dj either - it's not my preference if given the choice. I haven't 'dj'd' for quite a few years now, I didn't have the right mind set, I could read a crowd if it wasn't responding & have a good idea of what to play or not to next.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Bazza wrote:
It's simple. A KJ is seen as a lower life form by that crowd. How many times have you heard/read: "Any idiot can play karaoke songs and call people up, but it takes real talent to mix music and fill a dance floor". It's the reason MYDJTALK eliminated their entire Karaoke sub-forum while keeping VJ's, wedding jocks and guys who do "Bubble Parties" for pre-school kids. Discrimination within our own ranks.

Actually I think the real reason they eliminated the karaoke section was due to the constant monitoring of the arguments about legalities. It got pretty nasty. I'm sure the moderators here can relate.

Of course they had arguments among themselves but somehow the karaoke was a real thorn in their side. They didn't have the time or energy for policing it and it was never their main focus so they farmed it off to someone else and then it died.

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

last years modules are on the website, so i watched them...
glad i didn't pay to go to that.

Author:  Bazza [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

leopard lizard wrote:
Bazza wrote:
It's simple. A KJ is seen as a lower life form by that crowd. How many times have you heard/read: "Any idiot can play karaoke songs and call people up, but it takes real talent to mix music and fill a dance floor". It's the reason MYDJTALK eliminated their entire Karaoke sub-forum while keeping VJ's, wedding jocks and guys who do "Bubble Parties" for pre-school kids. Discrimination within our own ranks.

Actually I think the real reason they eliminated the karaoke section was due to the constant monitoring of the arguments about legalities. It got pretty nasty. I'm sure the moderators here can relate.

Of course they had arguments among themselves but somehow the karaoke was a real thorn in their side. They didn't have the time or energy for policing it and it was never their main focus so they farmed it off to someone else and then it died.

God forbid you actually discuss the most important issue facing the industry today. :roll: Rather than embrace KJ's and let discussions fuel the growth of their site, they bowed to the "real DJ's" who wanted us gone. I for one am glad to see they are now getting their asses kicked by more professional forums (that aren't afraid of Karaoke). I will be smiling as they slowly wither and die.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

I know you mean the forum itself, Bazza, but another reason it might have lost a bit of steam is some of the key people actually did pass away in the last few years.

Author:  rumbolt [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mobile Beat Giving Karaoke A Pass?

Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
last years modules are on the website, so i watched them...
glad i didn't pay to go to that.

Are you speaking of the Karaoke Modules at Mobile Beat in 2014? Can you provide the links?

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