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original Disks
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Author:  picard [ Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  original Disks

I have most of my original disks and haven't been named yet. Clearly sc has no clue what a kj has so they are just suing everyone in hopes to get some cash. The problem is we arent rich and live show to show.

Harrington, what do they want us to do to keep them happy? delete the sc directory? or pay a fee or what? I mean even if it were to go to court and they get some sort of judgement, I personally am disabled and live on social security and a few shows a month. I have nothing worth anything.

Seems like a lot of bs from what im seeing on other sites that sc is pretty much suing everyone.

Author:  chrisavis [ Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

I am NOT a Sound Choice representative, but I am a certified host.

It is pretty simple really. Contact Sound Choice to arrange for an audit.

Contact Info - http://www.soundchoicestore.com/certified_host_inq.html
List of Certified hosts - http://www.soundchoicestore.com/certified-hosts.html

Author:  JimHarrington [ Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

If you have all of your discs, then SC doesn't want your money. There is normally a fee for the audit ($150) but if you are in reduced financial circumstances SC will usually work with you.

If you only have most of your discs, that's an issue, but if you contact SC first (before they've expended funds on an investigation) they will usually allow you to resolve it simply by deleting the material you don't have discs for.

The key here is to contact SC first. Don't wait to be sued. The outcome is always better for a KJ who contacts SC first.

Author:  kwp99 [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

I'm curious how it typically works that someone gets challenged for copyright or trademark or whatever violations. Is it that a KJ is doing a show and a copyright monitor comes and notes all tracks that were played from the specific manufacturer(s) being monitored and then challenge the KJ produce the original discs containing those tracks? Is the KJ supposed to produce the discs right then and there? Would the monitor be able to impound the hard drive and search for any monitored tracks and then demand corresponding discs for all of them? How does a monitor prove that a violation has occurred? Would they go to court with a recording or video of the show and then the KJ would have to produce the original discs? If they did actually record the show, would that in itself be a copyright violation both of any other manufacturer's tracks and the performers?

Author:  Robin Dean [ Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

HarringtonLaw wrote:
If you only have most of your discs, that's an issue, but if you contact SC first (before they've expended funds on an investigation) they will usually allow you to resolve it simply by deleting the material you don't have discs for.

Seems to me the most revenue positive, and PR positive, would be for SC to sell the KJ the missing tracks. Win win!

Author:  chrisavis [ Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

Robin Dean wrote:
HarringtonLaw wrote:
If you only have most of your discs, that's an issue, but if you contact SC first (before they've expended funds on an investigation) they will usually allow you to resolve it simply by deleting the material you don't have discs for.

Seems to me the most revenue positive, and PR positive, would be for SC to sell the KJ the missing tracks. Win win!

They effectively do this now with having plaintiffs pick up a GEM license. Although it will likely not have all the tracks in question since SC doesn't have license to distribute many tracks from the back catalog.

Author:  rickberry [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

chrisavis wrote:
I am NOT a Sound Choice representative, but I am a certified host.

It is pretty simple really. Contact Sound Choice to arrange for an audit.

Contact Info - http://www.soundchoicestore.com/certified_host_inq.html
List of Certified hosts - http://www.soundchoicestore.com/certified-hosts.html

Simply enough put, I am sure they are busy with that audit list... It must be immense.
But it is not so easy to get it over with apparently.

It has been awfully quiet in the 3 years since I had contacted them.
Not really in any hurry to go thru all that BS, but nonetheless it has been almost 3 years
since my last contact with Kurt and Chris.
I think they have probably taken the time in those few years to
send out inspectors and check me out ...maybe, who knows.
Till then I just keep buying and working in good faith.


RE: Sound Choice audit
Chris Emrie

To: Rick Berry
We did receive your audit paperwork and I turned it over
to the guy that schedules audits.
We are still ironing out the bugs in our audit system and
hopefully he will be contacting you soon.


From: Rick Berry [mailto:rickberry_rse@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:40 AM
To: Chris Emrie
Subject: RE: Sound Choice audit

A few weeks ago I sent you the paperwork priority mail.
I just wanted a confirmation that you received it. ...
I have not heard from anyone since this letter from you.
Take you're time lol, I am in no hurry,
don't know when I'll find the time anyways..sooo busy.
I am working 7 nights a week now. Ugh, I need a clone.
I have had several of the Kj's ask to see copies of the paperwork....
Thanks for your time Mr. Emrie
Rick Berry


From: chrise@soundchoice.com
Subject: Sound Choice audit
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 10:35:24 -0500

Hello there,
This is Chris from Sound Choice. A couple of weeks ago you requested
to be shceduled for a Sound Choice audit. So I sent ou an email with
attachments containing the paperwork. The reason I ma contacting
you is we have not received anything back form you. If you still would
like to be scheduled for an audit, please let us know by sending in the
filled out paperwork. If not just send an email letting me know you no
longer want to be audited. We look forward to doing business with you.


Sound Choice

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

I suggest "Return Receipt Requested"..

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: original Disks

kwp99 wrote:
I'm curious how it typically works that someone gets challenged for copyright or trademark or whatever violations. Is it that a KJ is doing a show and a copyright monitor comes and notes all tracks that were played from the specific manufacturer(s) being monitored and then challenge the KJ produce the original discs containing those tracks? Is the KJ supposed to produce the discs right then and there? Would the monitor be able to impound the hard drive and search for any monitored tracks and then demand corresponding discs for all of them? How does a monitor prove that a violation has occurred? Would they go to court with a recording or video of the show and then the KJ would have to produce the original discs? If they did actually record the show, would that in itself be a copyright violation both of any other manufacturer's tracks and the performers?

Excellent post. Good luck on getting a comprehensive and straightforward answer.

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