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Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show
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Author:  fsapienjr [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show

I recently came across two karaoke host that use YouTube as the source for their karaoke show. Instead of investing in actual karaoke disc or downloads, when somebody ask for a song they don't have, they go to YouTube and play whatever they can find there. Every once in a while it is a KaraFun version, but usually it is one of the user created videos using original music that they put the words to themselves.

This is illegal right? I went to a show where I knew the KJ didn't have any music the last time I went to one of their shows. I asked one of the regulars how was her music library. They said, "She has everything, she plays off of the internet". I stayed a while and sure enough she was playing videos from YouTube.

This is obviously how this lady is able to work for next to nothing, since she has no investment in music. If this is illegal is there any one to report this to? Isn't the quality of audio on YouTube low as to discourage people from using it professionally?

Thanks, Felix

Author:  jdmeister [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show

Illegal, yes.. Report? Nobody cares I guess..

YouTube has songs taken down thousands of times an hour. Difficult to keep up..

Author:  Lil Duke [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show

Yes I have experienced the same thing in my market. It is most likely illegal for me to play off of You Tube and It isn't really possible, I would have to drag the screen over outside of my karaoke program and then the You tube quality will be terrible and some might have commercials tacked on to it. And I do have customers ask on songs that are just not commercially produced, "well I sang it on You Tube last night".

So in my opinion it is definitely not professional and I wouldn't even consider it, but I know, and have heard of, other hosts doing this. We are really talking about a small percentage of songs. As for the hosts using this as their sole source of music, I say good luck, my show will smoke them every time. Either they are in a dive bar that no respectable host would work at anyway or they will lose that gig to someone who can provide a much better experience.

Author:  chrisavis [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show

YouTube KJ's are about the lowest of the low. I have only seen it a few times here in my area. We get asked about it every week though.

Singer - "Can you get XXXXX"
Host - "Nope. Not available for karaoke"
Singer - "Yes it is! My friends and I sang it from YouTube in my car out in the parking lot"
Host - "Then I suggest you and your friends go back out to your car if you want to sing it!"

Author:  Karaoke Lurker [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using YouTube As Karaoke Source For Karaoke Show

You Tube karaoke. Good God. Shoot me now.....

I've had people ask me for songs on it, and I tell them it's illegal and no way will it ever be played on my system. End of story.

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