Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

A different view on the matter...
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Author:  Alan B [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  A different view on the matter...

Karaoke Version

All the greatest karaoke songs from the most famous artists are available in a simple, easy-to-use and legal environment.

All audio files are recorded in professional studios, with live artists, in order to provide you with the highest quality material. Files are available instantly, without DRM and are certified virus-free.

Downloading music from Karaoke Version is safe and done in full respect of the copyright.


Am I allowed to "format shift" my purchased tracks?

Yes - the license you purchase allows you to use the tracks in any format. So you can transfer the files to your media player, another computer or burn them to a disc. If in any doubt please ask us. In all cases however you may not give the tracks to another person or party for free or for a fee.

Can I legally use your karaoke tracks as a DJ or venue?

We are aware that certain other companies have different policies but our policy is clear. If you are using a download that was purchased legally from ourselves or our legitimate agents and/or partners, we grant personal use in the same way as it would be granted if you purchased a physical CD or DVD.

Personal use includes use professionally as a KJ employed at a venue or by a venue if the purchaser is the venue PROVIDED that all relevant and existing licenses and fees have been obtained and paid.


1. All Songs are sold for USE and permission for KJs, Enthusiasts, or Private/Home entertainment. Songs can not be sold, redistributed, or shared. You agree to be the sole user of the content and each receipt will represent ONE copy of the song for use as a KJ, Enthusiast, or Private/Home user.

2. Backup to digital media is ONLY allowed for storage as long as it remains in the possession of the owner of the license receipt(s) holder. Backup is the sole responsibility of the customer and you agree that TriceraSoft is NOT liable or responsible for any damage, corruption, or restoration of content that may be caused by choice of backup.

3. Songs are licensed for computer use ONLY. Each receipt is licensed for ONE use. Conversion is not covered under our license. Any conversion, transfer, or alteration is strictly forbidden. Alteration of the content can only be done with permission by the manufacturer. Any operation that may cause alteration of the tracks is SOLELY your responsibility and at your own risk. We do NOT provide tools nor will we provide instructions; this includes any Conversion or Burning to disc. Discussion of issues or instructions using third party tools are strictly taboo and absolutely AT YOUR OWN RISK, WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY, AND NOT COVERED UNDER SUPPORT OR LICENSING! NO EXCEPTION!

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A different view on the matter...

And this is why I use the services I use. These are companies that are doing what their customers want. This is how business is done!!

Author:  Cueball [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A different view on the matter...

Alan B wrote:


Am I allowed to "format shift" my purchased tracks?

Yes - the license you purchase allows you to use the tracks in any format. So you can transfer the files to your media player, another computer or burn them to a disc. If in any doubt please ask us. In all cases however you may not give the tracks to another person or party for free or for a fee.

I thought I read somewhere (within this Forum) that SBI was no longer selling Song Tracks to US Customers in downloaded format. I thought that they are now selling custom Song Tracks only in disc format to the US. If that is the case, how would it be a format shift if you're burning the tracks to (another) disc?

Author:  Paradigm Karaoke [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A different view on the matter...

you can still buy in download, the no fly list is disc only.

Author:  Cueball [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A different view on the matter...

Ahhhhh. I see.

Author:  Elementary Penguin [ Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A different view on the matter...

I just get a kick out of the irony here. KaraokeDownloads.ca says you must use the mp3+g's you download from them on a computer, and forbids media shifting them (presumably they mean to cd). That's like so, well, 21st century! :lol:

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