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Karaoke court case legal repository?
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Author:  fomalley [ Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke court case legal repository?

Long time reader, first time poster.

Is there a central location where one can find primary source information on civil trials related to karaoke? I'm talking things like lists of specific cases filed (especially cases that that ended with something other than summary judgment), dispositions of cases, court transcripts and the like. I see quite a few contradictory opinion posts on these forums re: what's legal and what's not, so I think it would be interesting to compile the first-hand information, rather than taking everything second- and third-hand.

Thanks from Frank!

Author:  karaokeniagarafalls [ Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke court case legal repository?

There are quite a few sources for you on the pep.rocks website. You can also get many good reads from this forum from just a small handfull of members posting in legalities.

More "first hand" information can be found on many karaoke manufacture sites like Sunfly, SBI, mr. Entertainer, etc under licensing.

Best to avoid such information and buy legal for pennies on the dollar that get caught in "legalities" just sayin'

The legal world in karaoke is crazy with many channels. If you can specify in more detail the area of "first hand" legalities pertaining to your issue, many of us can direct you to the answers your looking for.


Author:  Cueball [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke court case legal repository?

karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
There are quite a few sources for you on the pep.rocks website....

More "first hand" information can be found on many karaoke manufacture sites like Sunfly, SBI, mr. Entertainer, etc under licensing.

@ KNF --- He is not going to find anything which he just said he is looking for on those sites.

karaokeniagarafalls wrote:
If you can specify in more detail the area of "first hand" legalities...
He just did.

fomalley wrote:
I'm talking things like lists of specific cases filed (especially cases that that ended with something other than summary judgment), dispositions of cases, court transcripts and the like.

You probably need to check some of the Legal Sites to look up cases.... sites like pacer.gov (which, I believe, charge a small fee to pull up the documents). I'm not very savvy with regard to looking these things up, so others can chime in on that... Maybe Chip can mention a few sites that you can check out.

Author:  chrisavis [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke court case legal repository?

Sometimes case info will make it to Scribd.com for free.
Civil case court locator at - http://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-c ... ivil-cases

Author:  Smoothedge69 [ Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke court case legal repository?

karaokeniagarafalls wrote:

Best to avoid such information and buy legal for pennies on the dollar that get caught in "legalities" just sayin'

Do you WORK for PEP?? You are always pushing people to buy into their crap. YUP, SC still has ONE cheerleader!!

Author:  fomalley [ Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke court case legal repository?

Thanks for the replies. Not running into any legal trouble myself, I was mostly just curious if anyone had compiled this info before. The legal search sites seem to turn up lots of hits, but I don't know how to tell which ones are simply cases that were filed, which ones have had summary judgments or settlements that have been made public, and which ones have actually made it to court, so I was hoping someone had a list of the more "relevant" cases readily available. I know I can find some references on the PEP website, but I can't help but think the ones they'd post would be settlements/judgments/etc. in their favor, so that's only telling one side of the story.

Again, thanks for your help, and if anyone happens to have links to specific court cases, they'd be greatly appreciated!

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