Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

c. staley & chrisavis
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Author:  Alan B [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  c. staley & chrisavis

I think you guys should take it on the road. You are too funny! You always give me a good laugh reading these posts. I would pay money to see you guys live! LOL.

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

The following is a satirical composition from a parodical standpoint, and for entertainment purposes only:

"In a world where consumers croon in cafes, with cell phones, and in Carpools, two self-proclaimed Keepers of Karaoke remind us all that this crazy musical world has a side that is.....totally serious, you guys....

'I have the advantage of time and technology, better tools, better efficiency, and IMO, better business sense. You can't really compete against that.' 'Still talking about... you?.... I'm not surprised...'

It's a non-buddy, Karaoke Kop relationship for the whole forum...get your crispy chips and watch "Chris V. Chip: Clash of the Tightwads"...co-starring Jim Harrington as....himself....mostly...'I'm not in any way your victim, nor am I crying about it.'...

[Background music with random drunk group of singers]
"You don't make fun of SuperChip's truck,
You don't spit on Chris's win,
You don't pull the mask off of karaoke,
'Cuz you don't mess around with Jim..."

Don't wait for the sequel to this NASCAR-like story...Billy Preston said it best: 'Will it go round in circles?' "Chris V. Chip: Clash of the Tightwads"...a KaraokeScene/PEP Over-Production..."

*Incidentally, it is extremely ironic, and perhaps even cosmically designed, that Chip Staley's initials (CS) are exactly the opposite of Sound Choice's (SC)...

Author:  leopard lizard [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

From my point of view, if you've read them once, you've read them a thousand times. Repetition in entertainment quickly turns to tedium. Entertainers should know better.

Author:  Alan B [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

leopard lizard wrote:
From my point of view, if you've read them once, you've read them a thousand times. Repetition in entertainment quickly turns to tedium. Entertainers should know better.

Good point. Something new and fresh might be in order, then again, why mess with a classic.

Author:  Alan B [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

doowhatchulike wrote:

get your crispy chips and watch "Chris V. Chip: Clash of the Tightwads"

To take your idea a little further...

A Major Motion Picture


In a world of great despair...
two men must come together to save the karaoke industry from it's demise...
two men whose lives will be changed, forever.

Universal Pictures proudly presents...
Chip VS Chris - The Motion Picture
Based on a true story.

Starring Chip Staley, Chris Avis and special guest appearance by Jim Harrington.

Filmed on location at PEP Entertainment Studios

clash 2.jpg
clash 2.jpg [ 252.03 KiB | Viewed 56108 times ]

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

The attempted effort to "take (my) idea a little further" (which wasn't an idea at all, but a finished product) is akin to those who consider going a little further and remove the logos from SC tracks...

Author:  johnreynolds [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

The Post Subject should read: c.staley & jim harrington

unless and likely you like drama.
Avis-rent-a-wreck cries too much :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :vomit: then brats-out with personal attacks... :evil:
it's like watching an adult reason with a 5 year old

i'm sure more mature folks would prefer the other show...minds vs minds

..unless that's your thing :roll:

Have a great day by the way :)

Author:  Cueball [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

leopard lizard wrote:
From my point of view, if you've read them once, you've read them a thousand times. Repetition in entertainment quickly turns to tedium. Entertainers should know better.

I don't think so.... Case-in-point:
"Who's on First" - never gets boring!
"VitaMetaVegamin... and Tasty too" - never gets boring!
"Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!" and "BOINK!" - never gets boring!... Maybe Chip, Chris, and Jim should start adding this to their routine.

Author:  Alan B [ Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

doowhatchulike wrote:
The attempted effort to "take (my) idea a little further" (which wasn't an idea at all, but a finished product) is akin to those who consider going a little further and remove the logos from SC tracks...

Something I would never do. I am opposed to piracy in any shape or form, as many here already know. So, your little quip which was intended toward me is both unfounded and without merit.

Your post made me laugh and gave me the idea for mine which was to continue having a little fun. The key word being "fun". Sad that you don't see it that way.

Author:  doowhatchulike [ Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

Nah...it's all good. It is just better to be more accurate about such things, IMO...

The example I used was done with no intention of implying anything, but was chosen because it was a relative point of discussion. I suppose that I am not the type to exploit other people's efforts...I would tend to pursue other directions of contribution to avoid such an appearance. But I suppose I should not overly concern myself with imprinting that concept on others...after all, this is not a presidential debate or anything...

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

What's funny, those guys think the Admins and Mods never discuss this useless whining.

:o :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Author:  JimHarrington [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

I'm sure you do discuss these things. But you seem to be operating from the assumption that you don't have a perspective, and it's plain, especially from the posts you make, that you do.

You have one poster in particular who consistently violates the rule about keeping discussions on topic, and no apparent effort is made to police it. When a topic takes a turn you don't like, you simply lock it, allowing the rule-violating comments to stay without challenge. That practice merely emboldens the trolls.

If you're so thin-skinned that you can't handle my saying these things, so be it. That won't make these comments any less true.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

JimHarrington wrote:
I'm sure you do discuss these things. But you seem to be operating from the assumption that you don't have a perspective, and it's plain, especially from the posts you make, that you do.

You have one poster in particular who consistently violates the rule about keeping discussions on topic, and no apparent effort is made to police it. When a topic takes a turn you don't like, you simply lock it, allowing the rule-violating comments to stay without challenge. That practice merely emboldens the trolls.

If you're so thin-skinned that you can't handle my saying these things, so be it. That won't make these comments any less true.

Thin skin? Naw..

If you are referring to the Chip, he was banned, and then management allowed him back in.

Management not mods.. but, there was a vote..

The answer was, what can it hurt..

If I was to quit being a mod, would I be required to return my salary?

Perhaps a second career over at Whittier Law School, teaching ethics.. :shock:

Author:  chrisavis [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

jdmeister wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
I'm sure you do discuss these things. But you seem to be operating from the assumption that you don't have a perspective, and it's plain, especially from the posts you make, that you do.

You have one poster in particular who consistently violates the rule about keeping discussions on topic, and no apparent effort is made to police it. When a topic takes a turn you don't like, you simply lock it, allowing the rule-violating comments to stay without challenge. That practice merely emboldens the trolls.

If you're so thin-skinned that you can't handle my saying these things, so be it. That won't make these comments any less true.

Thin skin? Naw..

If you are referring to the Chip, he was banned, and then management allowed him back in.

Management not mods.. but, there was a vote..

The answer was, what can it hurt..

If I was to quit being a mod, would I be required to return my salary

Perhaps a second career over at Whittier Law School, teaching ethics.. :shock:

If you are a paid mod, then I question the business acumen of the folks that run own this forum.

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: c. staley & chrisavis

chrisavis wrote:
jdmeister wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
I'm sure you do discuss these things. But you seem to be operating from the assumption that you don't have a perspective, and it's plain, especially from the posts you make, that you do.

You have one poster in particular who consistently violates the rule about keeping discussions on topic, and no apparent effort is made to police it. When a topic takes a turn you don't like, you simply lock it, allowing the rule-violating comments to stay without challenge. That practice merely emboldens the trolls.

If you're so thin-skinned that you can't handle my saying these things, so be it. That won't make these comments any less true.

Thin skin? Naw..

If you are referring to the Chip, he was banned, and then management allowed him back in.

Management not mods.. but, there was a vote..

The answer was, what can it hurt..

If I was to quit being a mod, would I be required to return my salary

Perhaps a second career over at Whittier Law School, teaching ethics.. :shock:

If you are a paid mod, then I question the business acumen of the folks that run own this forum.

That's two..

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