Lonman wrote:
Newer country does get done more often than old - and Miranda Lambert gets sung alot, just not that song (yet). But we are definitely more a rock/pop/metal based crowd. Before He Cheats gets done on occasion. I don't necessarily buy the new stuff in 'hopes' that someone sings them, but I do like to keep up to date. I only get the All Star new songs (on custom as to not dup any song from PHM if possible) and PHM. So approx 30-45 'new (as in current radio)' songs per month, otherwise it's all 80's-ealry 2000's rock/pop.
Someone once said something about another show - something like "It's always the same people singing the same songs....". Ever since, I have made an effort to encourage people to sing the new stuff.
Every time I buy a song that reminds me of someone's voice and genre preference, I post it on my facebook and tag them in it.
If I find a new song that I think a lot of people will sing, I'll post it and let them know they can sing it next time they come in (like Red Solo Cup when it first came out).
Because we don't use slips, sometimes a singer will come on stage and not know what they want to sing (grrrrrr). Quite often, they'll let me pick their song. Most often, it's something new I think they can sing. If they can't sing it, I turn the Virtual DJ siren or backspin on and fade right over to a song I know they can sing. (and quite often, when this scenario happens, next time I see them, they've learned the song).
On slow nights, and being in this little po-dunk town, we have them somewhat often - I'll announce "Practice Night" and a majority of singers will participate and sing songs they've never done before or those they've "been working on".
Keeps the show fresh and I think (probably wrong here) that a lot of the spectators are more interested if the songs they hear are songs they recognize, LIKE, and never heard someone sing before.