Aboyfromnowhere wrote:
Hey Everyone
I have been searching for quite some time now for a karaoke version of this song but I am certain now that one does not exist. The song itself is very unknown. From what I have gathered it was originally recorded by Eddie & Dutch in 1970 then performed by Engelbert on the Dean Martin Show later that year and released on the album 'We Made it Happen' also that year.
The majority of people I speak to have never even heard of the song and some of these guys have been singing for over 50 years. I have emailed a few companies about having it custom made but because it features a full orchestra plus flute and violin solos it would cost a fortune to make.
I have suggested the song on karaoke version but I cannot see it getting many votes because it is so unheard of. Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to get this song made? This is one of my favourite songs and I think it would be really great to sing on karaoke.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeV0APIEar4This is the song on youtube. Have a listen for yourself.
as someone else suggested, go to the karaoke.net request thread and post your request. In addition KSF has already stated that if there was a song that was not financially feasable but they could get the licensing for, they would be willing to split the cost with someone who is willing to pay to have the song produced.
If you can get one or two people to agree, then you might be able to come up with enough to have the song produced by them. No guaruntees, but worth considering..