cueball wrote:
djdon wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
We should care.....
And that disclaimer should state "Tracks ripped off from another artist".
You're absolutely right.
We should.
But.. the majority do not. Why should they? Why should they care that the publishers are greedy and don't want to licence karaoke? It is infinitely more important to make our clients happy than it is to worry about something we have absolutely no control over. I and I'm sure most KJs have better things to do than to worry about the greed in the music industry. With the exception of those that sue for trademark (and now "service mark" infringement), I'll get my music from whatever sources are available to me. I always start with legal paying services. Go ahead and knock yourself out debating what services are legal. Unfortunately for me, I've lost some singers that want to sing tracks only available on SC simply because I don't have the disc. I'm provisionally certified from PEP. Some chances aren't worth taking.
Bottom line is, most of us know right from wrong. Let your conscience be your guide.