Resurrecting an OLD topic. Since Chris Avis brought up a letter from SC about possibly getting back into production, I figured this old topic could be of some use for possible song suggestions.
chrisavis wrote:
I recently received and email from Sound Choice that included a variety of things, but this is what excited me the most.
Sound Choice wrote:
At Sound Choice®, our biggest goal is to get back in the studio and start creating new karaoke music. Because of piracy and restrictions from the music publishers, there is little new legitimate karaoke music being put out by any karaoke manufacturer. We hope to finally change this. When we make new music available, you, our loyal GEM licensee, will be the first to benefit. We do not intend to make the music available to the general public – only to GEM Licensees and Sound Choice Certified hosts. But, it costs about $25,000 - 30,000 to record, license and distribute 15 new songs, which is still a substantial hurdle, given the on-going piracy and difficulties with US publishing restrictions and limitations. If there are any “gotta have” songs from the past that have never been released for Karaoke, send us your suggestions, in addition to the songs of today with “staying power” that will still be worth singing 3 years from now.
I once submitted (about 9 or 10 years ago) a whole bunch of Artists and Song Titles to SC, asking them to consider producing them in CDG format. It was all SoCa music, and I realize it is a limited market. Since SC's website is still down (sort of), their Discussion Forum is not available, and I'm pretty sure that I had posted all of my SoCa suggestions there. I am totally blank on what I had suggested (way back when), and I'm no expert on this subject, but I am checking with some of my "Island" friends for a listing of some popular Artists and Songs to suggest.