GeminiMALE40 wrote:
Went to your website didnt see an update to song list..will check back later
Pretty bold statement coming from someone who doesn't list their books in ANY manner.
Not that I have to explain why, but I don't necessarily update that website the minute I get something - especially if I am waiting on an order of discs from various sources. Most people get sent an email list & Facebook updates (don't really use MySpace anymore) with anything new that comes in and my search bar on my main web page is always updated as I use this in the shows right now as a sort of a kiosk for people to see better than the books when they have a problem seeing, plus people bring in their laptop or tablets in to access the books online as well - I could ask where your online listing is but WE ALL know that would never happen
. Plus the books in the club are updated as well as are the phone app books - which actually display the new songs in a grouping. So just because you may not see my main website 'new release' updated, you can be rest assured the song lists are available.
{edit} Since you were concerned with my website not being updated - last update on the new releases was 9/20/11, I went ahead & fixed it! All fixed, down to the pdf copies of the most complete club book that people can download for their own use - these haven't been updated since July, I WAS lagging quite a bit on those. Even down to labeling all custom discs to reflect the manu on each track. So there you go!