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Don't Know What To Buy
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Author:  BT Magic [ Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Don't Know What To Buy

I've been doing karaoke and buying karaoke discs since 1991. Started with Pioneer Laser Discs, then went CD+G and started buying DK....and so on. Now I currently have just under 30,000 songs in my library. I want to add some new tracks, but let's face it, most of the new stuff coming out is crap!

I really want to be current, but I see no sense in buying tracks that people won't sing. At first I thought it was me, and my regulars ages. I'm 50, and most of my regs are 30+. but then last Saturday, I did a karaoke show at a "younger" club, average age 22+. To my surprise they sang oldies, with the exception of one group that sang a Flo-Rida song.

I really do pride myself on offering a professional karaoke show with great sound and a pretty extensive library, but if the newer songs aren't going to get sung I'm really not sure what I should do. Any thoughts or ideas?

Author:  MrBoo [ Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

I don't get it unless someone asks for it and promises to come back and sing it. I explain what you just said. People end up singing 10% of my offerings and the newer stuff only gets done a few times then it's tossed. I've even had a re-birth of "Picture", lord help me.. If a newbie asks, its nope, don't have it and can't get it tonight.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

BT Magic wrote:
I've been doing karaoke and buying karaoke discs since 1991. Started with Pioneer Laser Discs, then went CD+G and started buying DK....and so on. Now I currently have just under 30,000 songs in my library. I want to add some new tracks, but let's face it, most of the new stuff coming out is crap!

I really want to be current, but I see no sense in buying tracks that people won't sing. At first I thought it was me, and my regulars ages. I'm 50, and most of my regs are 30+. but then last Saturday, I did a karaoke show at a "younger" club, average age 22+. To my surprise they sang oldies, with the exception of one group that sang a Flo-Rida song.

I really do pride myself on offering a professional karaoke show with great sound and a pretty extensive library, but if the newer songs aren't going to get sung I'm really not sure what I should do. Any thoughts or ideas?

How many of 30,000 get sung? :)

We don't get a whole lot of newer stuff sung, if we do it's mostly country. Some i'd probably look for is Sexy & I Know It - LMFAO, Adele is still fairly popular, Justin Bieber is surprisingly getting sung (Boyfriend & As Long As You Love Me - in particular).
What i'd do (and DO do) is ask your singers what they want & look to try to find those songs on custom discs - chances are at least those songs will be used more often than just buying a new disc & hoping it gets used.

Author:  BT Magic [ Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

Lonman wrote:
How many of 30,000 get sung? :)

I know. That's the other side of the coin. In a 4 hour show you might get 60-65 songs sung. So having 30,00 is on one hand overkill! I think my best bet is to ask the people what songs I don't have that they would like to sing and write them down.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

BT Magic wrote:
Lonman wrote:
How many of 30,000 get sung? :)

I know. That's the other side of the coin. In a 4 hour show you might get 60-65 songs sung. So having 30,00 is on one hand overkill! I think my best bet is to ask the people what songs I don't have that they would like to sing and write them down.

Works for me. I do a custom disc buy at least once a month, sometimes a couple times. I take their email/Facebook down as well (to add to my network) to let them know when their requests come in, and other club events.
30,000 isn't overkill (is that all individual titles or are you lumping everything in). I run approx 14000 individual titles now, but have songs no one else has and some of those obscure songs have gained me some new regulars.

Author:  mrmarog [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

I really want to be current, but I see no sense in buying tracks that people won't sing. At first I thought it was me, and my regulars ages. I'm 50, and most of my regs are 30+. but then last Saturday, I did a karaoke show at a "younger" club, average age 22+. To my surprise they sang oldies, with the exception of one group that sang a Flo-Rida song.

Keep in mind the "Boomers" are coming and retiring at a rate 0f 10,000 per day for the next 20 years. New music for them will be almost unnecessary.

changed from 20k per to 10k (I know I shouda checked) Duh

Author:  Brian A [ Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Don't Know What To Buy

mrmarog wrote:

Keep in mind the "Boomers" are coming and retiring at a rate 0f 20,000 per day for the next 15-20 years. New music for them will be almost unnecessary.

:lol: :lol: Never thought of it that way, but really does make sense. I'm a baby boomer & most of my singers are approaching that age bracket (if not there already). Oldies music will always be a mainstay in my repertoire. :lol:

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