I don't know if you saw this in the Sunfly thread so I'm posting this here again so I can get an answer...
gretchen wrote:
if you are in the US and would like to get Sunfly downloads go to
http://www.karaokecloud.com. We have secured the licenses for Sunfly downloads here in the States. The entire catalog is not up, but as we secure more licenses from publishers more will come available.
Gretchen I followed that link and clicked on the terms of use and came across this clause...
"Your use of the Product is conditioned upon your prior acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
You shall be authorized to use the Products only for personal, non-commercial use..."
I'm confused - Are professional KJs allowed to purchase downloads from karaoke cloud for use in their shows or not? That clause sounds like a big fat no to me, but I'd like it to be otherwise. Meanwhile I'm too scared to use any of your products till that gets cleared up.