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Help needed - specific version sought.
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Author:  patsyfan [ Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Help needed - specific version sought.

I am looking for a version of All That Jazz from the musical Chicago that does NOT have extensive cuts of music in the beginning and middle, and that does NOT have the dialogue in it. I have a version that almost works (I can live with the dialogue), but it's SC, and the kj in the contest really doesn't want to play it. I found a version on YouTube, but can't identify the make. Anyone have any ideas?


Author:  Brian A [ Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help needed - specific version sought.

Lots out there. It’ll be hard to narrow it down to your preferred version
I have 3. All that jazz – broadway musical ‘chicago” sc, and all that jazz – Catherine Zeta-Jones sc, overture /all that jazz – just tracks, then various versions: sbi, zm, kv, mm, pr, me, ek, sf, me, to name a few.

Can you post the youtube link?

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