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Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?
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Author:  screamersusa [ Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?

I have CB450's (for country only), DK millenium, Priddis, A TON (300+disks) of phm and thm plus the 4 THMsvcd's, the SGB/Magic trax svcd.. Billboards, partytymes, MM doo wop pack, Mr ent 100 packs...(2010 to 2014) waiting for 2015. :)
The number of dupes and almost exact sounding music is getting very annoying. :vomit: :angry:

SO looking at the cheapies on ebay...
The RT or RC retro classics seem impossible to find in disk form.
Can someone suggest a decent brand or two with good music and visual lead ins out of the cheap brands: I'm trying to fill the 80's alt, rock, and metal out.

All Star, Nutech, All Hits 100's, Music Maestro SVCD or packs... Supercore, Amerising??
Who am I missing? Demon or dangerous music maybe (These seem like they might be decent??

Author:  mightywiz [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?

I ordered a set of retro classic online from 800 karaoke. 3yrs ago I thought they'd would be fake. But they were pressed disc's and took over a month to get. Brand new.

You want good 80's music then try to find soundchoice's foundation 1 & 2 and bricks 1-5

That gonna get the best 80's music.

Author:  screamersusa [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?

Soundchoice and all publicly known SC rebrands (by SC) are Banned on My system including customer disks as that would open up the risk of an audit.. More of an large annoyance than actual problem. This is not an SC bash...Just pothole avoidance :)
What sucks is there are about 10-16 SC disks I'd love to use including the
Headbangers disks as they are the only ones with the songs I personally want.
It's just not worth a full certification or audit for that small a SC collection so they
sit on the shelf only to be used at home. I dumped all my other SC disks except those.

I did find some Ameri-sing on ebay. The two I have seem to sound decent, graphics are
nasty but usable. Buying what I can find on KV and SBI.

Author:  screamersusa [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?

MightyWiz, I sent an email off to 800 karaoke to see if they still have those, thanks for the lead. :beermates:

Author:  screamersusa [ Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Expanding collection especially old 80's tunes, brands?

I found some Retro Classics on ebay along with a few nice ones, open mic motley crue ,ramones and fall out boy. Grabbed the Eagles BS, and Velvet elvis as well. There's still a couple of the ramones ones on ebay. Never heard back on the full RC set.

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