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 Post subject: Phill and Administration
PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 9:44 am 
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Re:     Using comment boxes in Showcase to carry out vendetta:

That shouldn't be going on over there.  It's exploiting a feature on the site IMHO,
and it's instigation. A quick, and cheap way to inflame many on a closely knit site. When people expend a lot of energy on making a place such as SS work, this type behaviour touches nerves.

"outbreaks" such as that rile up many. It's hard NOT to absorb it. People that do such a thing usually know this too. It's a quick easy way to incite a room battle.

While it's totally understandable as to why people end up not liking one-another, using comment boxes for carrying over personal vendetta upsets ALL reading it.
It bleeds onto those that don't want involvement.  Even though it's immature. Why not have a feature in the "comment boxes" that enables the performer to delete a limited number of comments left for him/her per month, or something similar ?


Would it be possible for there to be a "disallow" feature (such as what we have in the control panel pertaining to PMs).  What this would mean is that assuming a singer isn't getting along with another individual on the site.  They have the option to "disallow" another individual leaving them comment, rank, critique, etc. ? What are your feelings regarding difficulty integrating such features into current software, coding, pros and cons. ?

Just trying to be a part of a solution rather than perpetuating the same old "song and dance". This naturally assumes the problems outweigh the benefit of having such features without tweaking any aspects of course.  Perhaps the Paying members get a feature enabling them to do certain things with features ?  Disallow, Delete, etc ?

                                                                            Anonymous poster.  LOL

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:08 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Sun Aug 06, 2006 12:44 pm wrote:
Re:     Using comment boxes in Showcase to carry out vendetta:

That shouldn't be going on over there.  It's exploiting a feature on the site IMHO,
and it's instigation. A quick, and cheap way to inflame many on a closely knit site. When people expend a lot of energy on making a place such as SS work, this type behaviour touches nerves.

"outbreaks" such as that rile up many. It's hard NOT to absorb it. People that do such a thing usually know this too. It's a quick easy way to incite a room battle.

While it's totally understandable as to why people end up not liking one-another, using comment boxes for carrying over personal vendetta upsets ALL reading it.
It bleeds onto those that don't want involvement.  Even though it's immature. Why not have a feature in the "comment boxes" that enables the performer to delete a limited number of comments left for him/her per month, or something similar ?


Would it be possible for there to be a "disallow" feature (such as what we have in the control panel pertaining to PMs).  What this would mean is that assuming a singer isn't getting along with another individual on the site.  They have the option to "disallow" another individual leaving them comment, rank, critique, etc. ? What are your feelings regarding difficulty integrating such features into current software, coding, pros and cons. ?

Just trying to be a part of a solution rather than perpetuating the same old "song and dance". This naturally assumes the problems outweigh the benefit of having such features without tweaking any aspects of course.  Perhaps the Paying members get a feature enabling them to do certain things with features ?  Disallow, Delete, etc ?

                                                                            Anonymous poster.  LOL
Good ides and leaves room for choices. I'm sure there is a plan that can be decided from this.

I understand that Phil is very busy on this site doing bejind the scenes stuff. I know what goes on behind the scenes in a theater and a little about how it realtes to a website. I respect that.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:37 am 
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Steve et al,

That is definately something that I am looking into.

There have been some accusations being made and some rather disturbing comments made. I wish to try to address these here (Yes BTW I am hi-jacking your thread, I hope you don't mind!?) ;-)

Singers Showcase is a place for members to post their singing submissions. They have the option to allow or not allow people to comment on these submissions. Further they can have people provide a rank. After people comment the member can reply to these comments. Comments should be regarding the song and the singer.

I try daily to go through all the comments from the previous day (which can be exhausting work) looking to be ceratin that there isn't any profanity or slanderous statements. I shouldn't have to but unfortunately it is the way it is. I do not read the comments in their entirity that would take forever. I attempt to make every effort to keep the site up and functioning. That is what my job is: maintaining the servers, email systems, databases, and coding & scripting. if there is an issue with any of these please contact me immediately. I attempt to resolve asap!

Any other issues should be addressed to management. You can use the "Contact Us" link available on every page on the bottom left. A copy of this comes to me and to management.

I will handle all issues that are technical in nature. If I require additional information or if the email requires a response I will respond. Otherwise, believe me I am working on whatever issue it may be. Just because you send an email requesting that something be changed, modified, altered, etc. Doesn't mean that it will happen immediately only that it may happen eventually. There are probably good reasons why certain steps are not taken.

Management will attempt to resolve all other issues - however note that they or me are not here to resolve personal differences between parties.

I find it rather disturbing that some individuals would attack others through such a media. But we all know that people can be an odd lot. There is nothing that anyone can do to change all of humanity!?

If you feel that some one has wronged you -
1st, take a deep breath count to ten and relax
2nd, does this persons opinion really matter?
3rd, Ignore them just don't acknowledge their attacks. Most cases what the other person is seeking is attention. Don't give it to them.
4th, if it continues then contact management to see if they can assist.

Thank you

Phill Cross
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:07 am 
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Thanks Phill, although I am not involved in this problem I sure can appreciate the resolution of it.

I have only been a mammer of a few forums before now and not for very long in each. The one thing that I have noticed, and it kept me from spending much time in previous forums, is that Mods have always practiced their positions with heavy handedness. I don't care for that. Phill does not do this. He has earned a high level of respect from me. I am only one drop in the puddle but my opinion does matter.

I hope to patronize this site and it's sponsors, for a long time to come. :D

Also, Jian had some ideas that can help in this and future matters.
http://www.karaoke-forum.com/viewtopic. ... ht=#108361

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:08 am 
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I think you have some wonderful ideas there.  That would be something that people could live with.   I made the suggestion that if someone is doing this sort of thing to give them a warning and if it doesn't stop then it would be a permanent ban from the site.   Your idea is great but it still has some loop holes.  I'm scared that people would use their friend's subs to bash this person (which has also happened) and it wouldn't be removed unless management was called in to do it.

I really hope they look at what you've suggested.



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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 5:36 am 
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Thank you Phill,  I have to admit that there seems to be some ambiguity (at least to me) as to difference in duties of the Sites

Site Administrator

(I'm not sure many of us know "who's who" regarding specific areas of the site
 handled, it appears as a vague area to many of us)

Some of us just don't know who to notify, or who not to notify in the case of a person who has in fact threatened to perpetuate retaliatory behaviour using Singers Showcase as a medium for belittling another individual, as well as the individuals allies (by using the comment boxes of an individual, as well as comment boxes of the individuals allies, and response areas of comment boxes as well.). It appears that many will have to learn how to "ignore", because I noticed a threat made to continue this behaviour in Singers Showcase. The comment was made in the Discussion Forum yesterday.

I'm scared that people would use their friend's subs to bash this person (which has also happened) and it wouldn't be removed unless management was called in to do it.

The concern is not an unfounded one Rita.

You can use the "Contact Us" link available on every page on the bottom left. A copy of this comes to me and to management.

Now this, even I can understand ! LOL

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:29 am 
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Phil, thanks for clearing some of this up. I've sat by and watch a few people attack one person repeatedly through the comments section, and it hasn't been pleasant to watch. I stayed out of it for a long time, till one of these people came and slammed this person on MY sub....I still didn't do anything to retaliate. After this last attack however, I had enough (and a couple shots of tequila), and I went and chastised him on his sub - not my normal behavior, but enough was enough. I did go alter my comment the next day. I certainly don't want to upset anyone - I just want the nonsense to stop. Half the fun of the site is giving and receiving comments, so although the "listen only" feature eliminates the problems, it also eliminates most of the fun. Steve's idea of being able to disallow certain people from commenting is great if it can be implemented. I know of the one I'd like to block LOL. Thanks again - it all makes more sense now.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:02 am 
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How about an "ignore" function?  I participate in a non-karaoke website forum where there is an option to have the forum software automatically not show posts from whatever person or persons I designate.  They could still make posts, and other people could read them, they just wouldn't show up on my screen.  It works pretty well.  How much of a hassle it would be to add this feature I have no idea.

Reward: nine yen in drawer.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:32 am 
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<edited out question regarding power tools ignore function>  

Kappy <--- Going to shut up now.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:47 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:32 pm wrote:
<edited out question regarding power tools ignore function>  

Kappy <--- Going to shut up now.
I never believe him when he says that and he proves me wrong every time.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:57 pm 
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Ok, I have a point and a question.  You see that some people do get bashed when they sub a song...... ergo that person allowed for comments when it isn't mandatory to do so. While bashing isn't very nice, people do have a right to express their opinion no matter how awful it may be.  I don't agree that people should say hurtful things at ALL!! If we start to filter out people's opinions just because spmeone doesn't agree with them then one day it'll be yours or my opinion that gets censored and I know I'd be just a lil more than peeved about that.  The question that's ringing to loud in my head right now is where do you draw the line between free speech and slander?  Well actually it'd be libel in this case but the question needs to be answered.  Any ideas?

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:14 pm 
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While bashing isn't very nice, people do have a right to express their opinion no matter how awful it may be.

Bashing isn't allowed on the site,  (I'll explain from my own understanding how most privately owned bboards and Sites work, this isn't speaking on behalf of KS, I have no right to).

I'll let Phill answer this for himself regarding the KS Site,  but remember, privately owned BBS's are NOT a democracy, although this site runs as close to a democracy as *I'VE* ever seen online, (in fact that's what I like about it so much here), your 1st amendment rights are not promised to you when you sign the electronic membership agreement joining somebody's BBS, or venue.  The administration, and moderating team have authority to exercise as fairly, or as subjectively as they so choose.  Online forums are seldom places where our constitutional rights exist, more than not, they are their own governments.  As to expressing an opinion, good or bad.. Yes, people DO have that right especially in the Critique category (to a point), but if by "no matter how awful" you mean offensive, lude, obscene, bigoted, ongoing harassment or representing a form of camouflaged bashing, I seriously doubt most bboards, and site administrators will allow it. Fact is, there are limits to "how awful" most site administrators (to my experience) will allow content to become.

Best that Phill answers this himself, or a site moderator answers this, I am a nobody (of sorts) LOL .  I'm just explaining what I've learned from MANY memberships and years online.  I might be wrong, but I've learned a few interesting things having been a member of likely thousands of sites.  You/I agree to rules, and often click away constitutional rights when we join a site.. It's the electronic agreement you must click to enter a site.

It doesn't sound very nice, I know,  but another persons site is not a democracy, You joint THEIR site !  Take the ebay community boards for instance,  How would thing a site that claims :venue only: and is supported by it's sellers would NOT be a democracy.  Well,  the COMMUNITY room bboards are owned by ebay.  They are run by the ebay "pinks" as they call them there..

This *IS* in fact one advantage to (as Phill mentioned) "try to ignore", and try to get by with minimal intervention from site management.  Usually when a site must resort to stronger moderating, and a more iron-handed approach to discipline, people lose certain freedoms, and many start feeling "selective censorship", and biased governing is taking place.. The sites that ARE the most fun, are the sites where the members can take care of themselves with minimal outside intervention.  Naturally at times most places need some help.. But once the members get out've control, alot of the fun starts to dissipate, and it feels like we're being babysat for, I've left many sites for that very reason.

(Yes BTW I am hi-jacking your thread, I hope you don't mind!?)

See ?  and when the Webmaster and Site administrator says this, I say  "yes Sir, thank you Sir !",  and I like it  LOL.  :worship:

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:54 pm 
And sadly, I've seen a few more submissions today "carrying forth" the message...and causing the inevitable vitriolic feedback by those it was indirectly or directly aimed at.  Yes, we all get annoyed at somebody or annoy somebody here sooner or later (I have), but seriously folks, this is not the real world...some of us like to try being the entertainer, enjoy the thought that perhaps at least a few people who have listened to us really like what the hear, or if have suggestions, can feel free to offer them.  For me, admittedly, it is an incentive to practice and to do better because, after all, everyone likes to be given some reward for their efforts, even if it just so happens to be bit fluffy.

It is a wonderful venue for learning, being exposed to genres you ordinarily may not listen to, gaining technical expertise, all and everything related to singing, performing, and the tools of the trade, plus other "fringe" benefits" like dueting with people halfway across the world, and getting that much sought after music track, etc.   Already there is this polar shift in the "regulars" who no longer submit here.  But you know, lately I've been listening to submissions and receiving comments from some "new" faces, and there seems to be more of them.  Let's make this a comfortable environment for these folks.  They deserve better.

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(PS: Morgan, no wisecracks!)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:56 pm 
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RE: "4. Remove or edit the reply that does not sound quite right. "

I don't see how the "reply" to a comment can be removed or edited in the SS section. Of course, I see how one's original comments can be removed or changed by simply re-typing and re-sending and comments in the KF section can be edited, but I simply don't see how the reply can be edited in the singers section, either by the sender or the recipient.

Can anybody provide an answer to this?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:58 pm 
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chrismm @ Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:57 pm wrote:
RE: "4. Remove or edit the reply that does not sound quite right. "

I don't see how the "reply" to a comment can be removed or edited in the SS section. Of course, I see how one's original comments can be removed or changed by simply re-typing and re-sending and comments in the KF section can be edited, but I simply don't see how the reply can be edited in the singers section, either by the sender or the recipient.

Can anybody provide an answer to this?

The reply can not be edited from what I've seen....only the comment.


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 2:59 pm 
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Chris, no the replies can't be edited or deleted...once you type them they are there till you delete the song.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:07 pm 
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Boo hoooooooooooo!

OK, I'm all better now!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:34 pm 
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Chris,  I suppose it would entail the software being set in such a way, that the actual Performer has more control of his/her comments and all related..  Not sure the feasibility of this.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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