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Should we add any of these features to the SS?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:02 pm 
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ok.. I haven't read this entire novel to be honest lol and I"m not going to...

so maybe this has been suggested..

What if the ability to have the comments appear publicly or private is given to the person who subs the song .. and ONLY at the time the sub is made..  that way.. really..  they know by putting the comments out there for public viewing.. hey.. it was their choice.. and you're gonna get what you're gonna get..

Not to rain on anyone's parade.. I think it's nice that everyone cares about the site enough to voice opinions.. I just remember a time when I was more active on the site. At that time polls and threads like this got started and people got excited about ideas and such and nothing came of them.. and I look at SS now and it really isn't all that different than when I joined 2 1/2 yrs ago as far as features, or arguments really.. despite all the good ideas that were mentioned then.. yeah.. the arguments may have just gotten more frequent or even nastier.. but really.. it's basically been the same idea behind them.

There's also the factor that.. controversies get eye balled by lots of people.. because of the nature of people to want to know what is happening.. "have you seen.. did you read.."... Enquirer type stuff..  well.. as I sit here typing this.. I'm looking at an ad for Priddis Karaoke.. so hmm.. maybe someone else that is looking at some topic gone hotly awry is looking at an ad too and then maybe clicks on it..and buys something..

I saw a mention in the Off topic forum about AI being entertainment.. well so is SS and any other karaoke site..  we all have different forms of what we find entertaining.. some find singing, listening as entertaining.. others are like Simon who finds harshly critiquing things entertaining.. and how many millions of people watched this week? and how many people got a kick out of the judges comments last night to people?.. well.. those people basically put up a "C" sub in my opinion..

anyways.. so yell scream whatever at me.. I'm just me.. wasn't saying anything mean or nothing.. just noting my observations.. but when I venture outside and into a forum and speak I seem to get yelled at for it.. so I apologize in advance lol

nite all...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:02 pm 
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Hi Foxe!  :wave: I would never dare yell at you!  :swg: But I do disagree with the statement that "people got excited about ideas and such and nothing came of them" Remember when we only had the rank and critique option period? When people started complaining.... the 'Just For Fun'' option was added. Then when people complained again the 'Listen Only' option was added. Heck, someone complained about all the off topic threads and an 'Off Topic Lounge' was added. So we have made some headway. Things do change eventually... it may take time but I do think we have made this site a better place by these type of discussions. When this place first started there was no choice at all, now we have several options.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:11 pm 
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:wave: to both of you

"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those that matter... Don't mind...And those that mind... Don't matter."

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 Post subject: Re: Vote On New Options
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:30 pm 
chamjam @ Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:24 pm wrote:
michaeljayklein @ Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:12 pm wrote:
I think anybody mentioning someone else's name in a defammatory and inciteful way should be immediately barred, vanquished and deported--I've already requested to be barred from the forums.  Less ammunition given, the better.  It's a no win situation--one can't even be civil and try to add helpful opinions or suggestions as long as the person's name is attached to them.  This applies to song submission intros, content of submissions, comments on submissions and comments made in forums.  We should be able to report any observations of this taking place to administration in due confidence.  In the situation of receiving harassing PMS, that should be reported as well, being sure to include material quotes so that adminstration is not bothered with fancied slights or misinterpretation as to what constitutes harrassment.

And see what I mean?...Your saying you have requested to be barred from the forums, but your still here!  You can not expect the Admins to babysit you, your an adult and should act in such fashion, I do not have any ill feelings towards you Michael, but that just doesn't make sense to me.

So, I'm an abstract thinker, what can I say? I remember having a personality profile assessment done where I work and one thing it said was "You are a very good problem-solver and solution oriented; however, your ideas seemingly fly in the face of logic".  

It occurs to me as well that if anybody really wants critique, see a reputable vocal teacher, even if on a one time only basis.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:20 pm 
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I make this thread a sticky.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:48 pm 
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is this sticky like fly paper so we will stick to the walls?

"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those that matter... Don't mind...And those that mind... Don't matter."

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:15 am 
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Sheree @ Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:02 pm wrote:
Hi Foxe!  :wave: I would never dare yell at you!  :swg: But I do disagree with the statement that "people got excited about ideas and such and nothing came of them" Remember when we only had the rank and critique option period? When people started complaining.... the 'Just For Fun'' option was added. Then when people complained again the 'Listen Only' option was added. Heck, someone complained about all the off topic threads and an 'Off Topic Lounge' was added. So we have made some headway. Things do change eventually... it may take time but I do think we have made this site a better place by these type of discussions. When this place first started there was no choice at all, now we have several options.

I have to go with Sheree on this one.  Changes around here are possible!  It can't hurt to try if that's what most people want.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:21 am 
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That's how I saw it. There are still few set standards to the internet. What this is all about is the growing pains of a website. These ideas can be suggested but they may or may not be too much trouble to impliment. That part is up to the site admin to decide.

All we can do is discuss what might help and send those ideas up the chain of command to see if they fly.

If nothing can be done, some ideas have popped up on how to deal with these pains in that event.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 7:24 am 
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Yep! That's how I see it too Chuck.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:15 am 
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Foxe @ Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:02 pm wrote:
ok.. I haven't read this entire novel to be honest lol and I"m not going to...

so maybe this has been suggested..

What if the ability to have the comments appear publicly or private is given to the person who subs the song .. and ONLY at the time the sub is made..  that way.. really..  they know by putting the comments out there for public viewing.. hey.. it was their choice.. and you're gonna get what you're gonna get..

This would be accomplished by having an APPROVE THIS COMMENT button, Cindy!  Yup.. if they ask for a critque .. SOME of what they receive they may NOT like.... tho, I must say ... why ask for critique, if all you want is "kudos"?  Critique... by defintion implies: [highlight=red]Please tell me ways in which you feel I might improve in my performance of this song ... or in general ways. [/highlight]

clipped ~~~  "and I look at SS now and it really isn't all that different than when I joined 2 1/2 yrs ago as far as features, or arguments really.. despite all the good ideas that were mentioned then.. yeah.. the arguments may have just gotten more frequent or even nastier.. but really.. it's basically been the same idea behind them.

It never hurts to keep on tryin'!    :yes:   As Sheree pointed out, there HAVE been some very noticable changes ... and in most cases, have made MOST members happier!!  :handshake:

There's also the factor that.. controversies get eye balled by lots of people.. because of the nature of people to want to know what is happening.. "have you seen.. did you read.."... Enquirer type stuff..  well.. as I sit here typing this.. I'm looking at an ad for Priddis Karaoke.. so hmm.. maybe someone else that is looking at some topic gone hotly awry is looking at an ad too and then maybe clicks on it..and buys something..

Yes, I know what you are saying, Cindy.  Sometimes, an interesting (or perhaps controversial)  topic will bring new viewers .... and this could ultimately result in an advertiser getting a hit.  And ..... this wouldn't be a problem IF the contents of the thread were written without hostility and nastiness.  But .... as I think we have all seen, what seems to prevail is, in fact, a lot of nasty stuff and ultimately very hurt feelings.  :(

I saw a mention in the Off topic forum about AI being entertainment.. well so is SS and any other karaoke site..  we all have different forms of what we find entertaining.. some find singing, listening as entertaining.. others are like Simon who finds harshly critiquing things entertaining.. and how many millions of people watched this week? and how many people got a kick out of the judges comments last night to people?.. well.. those people basically put up a "C" sub in my opinion..

Ummmmm, YES.. they asked for someone to comment on how they "sing", thereby making it the equivalent of a "C" submission here ... BUT.. I don't think they were looking for the humiliation of the "personal putdowns" regarding their looks, intelligence, etc.... that were ALSO dished out.  In my opinion that is NOT part of of "C" submission.  (P.S. I didn't watch AI this week, but I've seen it in previous years ..... and that is why I didn't watch. Until it becomes a TRUE contest of talented singers, I stay clear of it).

anyways.. so yell scream whatever at me.. I'm just me.. wasn't saying anything mean or nothing.. just noting my observations.. but when I venture outside and into a forum and speak I seem to get yelled at for it.. so I apologize in advance lol

For goodness sakes, WHO would yell at you for simply expressing your point of view, Cindy?  Certainly NOT me ...... I love ya too much to yell at ya!!   ;-)     And, we are ALL entitled to express our opinions ... as long as we stay civil with one another!  I hope you'll be back OFTEN again.  [highlight=red]I miss you lots!![/highlight]  :(

nite all...

Bbye, Cindy!! Love ya!!  :hug:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:10 am 
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If the problems with ranks and critiques are really as bad as people here seem to think, perhaps we should ask ourselves what the value of having them is.

Severity of "problem" is arguable.  You see a small group out've MANY participants (comprising SS membership) disgruntled over current layout.  How many more are simultanously submitting in SS and utilizing the categories unaffected by THESE problems as we type ?   Some stick to SS, and don't participate on these bboards for the same reason some here are complaining about SS....Some have left the BBoards because they feel, "TOO MUCH arguing and ad hom attacking" over here so this should also be considered..  While Tom raises a valid point, he brought up another interesting point too... "Are the problems with rank and critique REALLY as bad as people here seem to think" ?   Or are we just seeing a representation of those unhappy with the system, while overlooking all the others too busy having fun over there avoiding these bboards, just as some in the bboards are complaining about SS being controversial.  Consider this,  IS it really easier for KS management to modify the software than it is for the 10 (or-so) affected by current circumstances to come to a resolution right here how collectively THEY will deal with these problems ?   This seems logical.  I don't see SS as the problem personally,  I see refusal to work something out among those having probs collectively and making it a better place FOR THEM the problem.   Those posting here, have alot of GROUP power when simultaneously stating to an offending party in SS.... "Knock it off, WE don't want arguing or negative activity in our music forum"..

Rather than blame the mountain range,  work out a means of traveling it FIRST.. That hasn't been done collectively

(food for thought)    ,burp.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:21 am 
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hi all..

true Sheree.. I guess I overlooked that.. thanks for the reminder.. lol

what I meant by .. have the subber choose to hide comments or make public view  is completely different than letting the subber choose which comments they want to keep or delete..

I meant that when I sub a song.. an option of where I can choose to accept comments, whatever they may be.. and they are either public or private.. as I'm subbing the song and once I select that option. it's there for better or worse for that song until I delete the song and it applies to ALL comments that may be placed on it.

I'm concerned that if you let people decide "which" comments they are going to approve and which they aren't to on their songs..  it will cause more public fighting.. because it will turn into more backstabbing behind the scenes:

Ex..  I left Johnny a comment.. and it never got approved.. now what did I do to him.. and I didn't think I left anything mean.. but apparently he can't handle that I said it was just ok not fabulous..

Some people really only do want to hear how great they are.. others really are looking for help.. and others are just here to have fun... and I've heard "clique" term thrown around a lot..I never let it bother me.. but letting people decide which comments they are going to approve and which not.. won't that add to that clique idea when some people start only accepting comments from the people that are buddies?

I can't duct tape people I come across in life or hear what they have to say to me before they publicly say it so I can decide if it was negative or if I thought it's ok for others to hear.. so why should the Net be any different?

btw.. I didn't mean that people shouldn't try for change.. Good for you that you want to make a change in things you feel are important.. really..  My concern is KS/SS is a business.. not a cooperative or company we hold stock in.. so hopefully KS management see's that its members care enough to try to improve things and will legititmately try to consider some of your ideas. Speaking from experience.. I know the let down that occurs when people have ideas and see none of them move forward into something.. so I hope some of yours will here..

g/l all...  :hug:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:46 am 
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hey guys, i did vote and then finally finished reading the thread, and i read everything lol. i have to agree with some points and disagree with others. i LOVE the ranking system and i LOVE getting critiques aka constructive critisism. I really like some of the ideas that you guys have come up with and then there are some that i just don't think will work at all, can't remember them all right now but oh well lol. i will say however that all the backstabbing and making judgements on people have to stop, if you post J then fine and dandy if you post C then take what you get and use it to your advantage, help yourself become better at what you do, it brings me great enjoyment to hear honesty on my subs, i know i don't always get it lol, but when i do i really appreciate it. people are always worried when they say something like "well you were slighty pitchy in this one spot" or "it might've sounded a little better if you had held that note slightly longer than you did" those comments mean more to me than all the "fluff" i usually get. constructive critisism doesn't have to demean anybody and like someone has stated before in this thread, if you don't wanna hear anything bad about your sub then don't hit the critique option. when i ask for a critique i wanna hear it, not someone telling me how fabulous or amazing my submission is, granted that is nice to hear, but if it isn't truthful and it's just said to make me feel like i have to RUN over to their sub and give them a glowing comment when i don't feel it is justified then it's not worth my time. i will not be subbing for awhile, i know i am not a regular everyday subber, but i do have kids and housework and other things to do with my time, so it prolly won't make a difference whether i'm subbing or not lol. I love everybody here and i hate it when things start getting nasty. Luly , you are a doll to get this going and i appreciate the effort you have gone to to get things rolling as well as everybody who has made their comments on this. and as i'm writing this i've probably contradicted myself over and over again lmao, but i'm not gonna hit that edit button and you can all take this as it was meant, me giving my  $.02 and i hope that things get cleared up and that i didn't offend anyone.

blessed be and many many ~~HUGS~~ Angie.

I'm in my own little world,but it's ok they know me here.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:49 am 
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Foxe @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:21 am wrote:
hi all..

true Sheree.. I guess I overlooked that.. thanks for the reminder.. lol

Cindy, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings by my post. Sometimes tact is not my strongest suit... I apologize if I did.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:35 am 
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OK, seriously now, the kind of SS comments we are trying to get a handle on are the type that go something like this --- "I don't know why you bother to sub anything at all?  You obviously couldn't stay on pitch even if your life and the life of your family depended on it! Also that last comment you left on my previous song really sucked.  How dare you bother to leave such tripe in my sub comments!"

This is a lot different then a critical comment like, "I thought the chorus was sung a little flat towards the end. Also, try to emphasize ..... All in all, I thought it was a solid effort!"

Negative comments shouldn't be ignored or denied completely, but totally ugly remarks are of value only to the sender.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:46 am 
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Sheree @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:49 pm wrote:
Foxe @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:21 am wrote:
hi all..

true Sheree.. I guess I overlooked that.. thanks for the reminder.. lol

Cindy, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings by my post. Sometimes tact is not my strongest suit... I apologize if I did.

NOPE you're good lol I just had forgotten that was added.. thanks!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:47 am 
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"I don't know why you bother to sub anything at all?  You obviously couldn't stay on pitch even if your life and the life of your family depended on it! Also that last comment you left on my previous song really sucked.  How dare you bother to leave such tripe in my sub comments!"

And if a strong group of 10 regs concurs when this happens  to respond to THESE two

"Take it elsewhere you two.  You are making this place uncomfortable to those that CAN and do get along".  

Why is that so hard ?  I don't understand ?  

It means you moderate yourselves, AND one-another for the overall good of the site !  

What happens is THOSE complaining often instead take sides fueling the situation... Instead make a pact to end it !

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:49 am 
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Odie @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:35 pm wrote:
OK, seriously now, the kind of SS comments we are trying to get a handle on are the type that go something like this --- "I don't know why you bother to sub anything at all?  You obviously couldn't stay on pitch even if your life and the life of your family depended on it! Also that last comment you left on my previous song really sucked.  How dare you bother to leave such tripe in my sub comments!"

This is a lot different then a critical comment like, "I thought the chorus was sung a little flat towards the end. Also, try to emphasize ..... All in all, I thought it was a solid effort!"

Negative comments shouldn't be ignored or denied completely, but totally ugly remarks are of value only to the sender.

I realize that.. but.. not everyone will have the same agenda when it comes to ability to delete comments or never show them .. and if it's there.. may as well use it.. ya know? ..  

Just like above.. Sheree's asking me if she offended me.. by no means did she.. but maybe the next person would have been.. why I don't know.. I know Sheree and she wouldn't have said it to offend.. but maybe the next person doesn't realize that and would have chosen to not let that type of comment appear.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:50 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:47 pm wrote:
"I don't know why you bother to sub anything at all?  You obviously couldn't stay on pitch even if your life and the life of your family depended on it! Also that last comment you left on my previous song really sucked.  How dare you bother to leave such tripe in my sub comments!"

And if a strong group of 10 regs concurs when this happens  to respond to THESE two

"Take it elsewhere you two.  You are making this place uncomfortable to those that CAN and do get along".  

Why is that so hard ?  I don't understand ?  

It means you moderate yourselves, AND one-another for the overall good of the site !  

What happens is THOSE complaining often instead take sides fueling the situation... Instead make a pact to end it !

well said Steven.. hi btw.. been awhile  :wave:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:52 am 
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Hey Foxe.  Glad to see you !    I'm around here (and around, and around, and around) LOL .  I want to spend more time at Melly's too.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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