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Do You Want To Have A Publicly Viewed Critique/How Did I Do? Area
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:02 pm 
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OK, I just received an e-mail response from the Karaoke Scene administration and they said that they would be happy to review whatever format changes we may decide upon.  But they also stated that they could NOT make a promise to implement them. To repeat, our plans will be considered though.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:11 pm 
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OK, I just received an e-mail response from the Karaoke Scene administration and they said that they would be happy to review whatever format changes we may decide upon.  But they also stated in turn,  we must throw a muzzle on Kappy,  and keep him outside


Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:27 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:11 pm wrote:
OK, I just received an e-mail response from the Karaoke Scene administration and they said that they would be happy to review whatever format changes we may decide upon.  But they also stated in turn,  we must throw a muzzle on Kappy,  and keep him outside


Well yeah Kappy they did say that too!  I was just going to let you know that part in private but.......  LMAO

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:38 pm 
Again, returning to the thread's topic, I think more volunteer moderators are needed on SS as well as in the forums.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:00 pm 
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sorry Kel I have had to dash its time to cook dinner for the family, will try and get back to you either later tonite or tomorrow sometime :)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:49 pm 
Returning to the topic, should suggested changes be implement, would SS be closed for modifications (test runs, etc.).  I'd imagine so but not sure to be honest!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:53 pm 
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I'll bet that to make such changes it won't be necessary to close this site down but it will cause a lot of trouble for our favorite web guru.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:21 am 
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Turn this around:

What Does It Take To Make A Change?

One Answer:  The complaining parties invest EVEN less energy than these threads
                    are taking, and form a different type poll..

"How can we make SS work for US utilizing joint effort" as it is.  

(this to me seems the easiest solution.  Not asking the parents to shape the site to your individual needs IF (in fact) the majority aren't in here, but are having fun on the site)

Seems pretty easy...

People are T.O.'d because of personality clashes/ problems getting along, and ensuing tantrums..  YOU can modify that !   It's in your control... What's the average age in here ?


Seems many aren't in here voting on these polls.  They are having fun in SS instead.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:13 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:21 am wrote:
Turn this around:

What Does It Take To Make A Change?

One Answer:  The complaining parties invest EVEN less energy than these threads
                    are taking, and form a different type poll..

"How can we make SS work for US utilizing joint effort" as it is.  

(this to me seems the easiest solution.  Not asking the parents to shape the site to your individual needs IF (in fact) the majority aren't in here, but are having fun on the site)

Seems pretty easy...

People are T.O.'d because of personality clashes/ problems getting along, and ensuing tantrums..  YOU can modify that !   It's in your control... What's the average age in here ?


Seems many aren't in here voting on these polls.  They are having fun in SS instead.

Hi Steven, please remind me of how we can SUCCESSFULLY modify the impact of "personality clashes/problems getting along and tantrums" under the current system?  Maybe I'm forgetting something. :)

Also, what are the options to choose from in this proposed poll? "How can we make SS work for US utilizing joint effort" as it is.

Good point, many people are having fun in SS as it is now.  I guess all these questions, concerns and complaints mainly effect people who are online here alot and follow the train of comments and posts.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:15 am 
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Incidently, I want to make note that I AM not playing devil's advocate.  I gave this some thought.  I'm the first to complain about how the current Critique category doesn't belong, as well as how the Rank system is counterproductive... HOWEVER..  I have the option of taking my ball, and going elsehwere if MOST are having fun playing the game.  THis is why I alluded to those that lose out, or as you stated "suffer" have already left SS.  THEY deserve THEIR own "smaller" more candid exchange elsehwere.. A true critiquing room CAN exist too ?  Why not ?  But SS isn't broken in the eyes of those that enjoy it... and aren't THOSE most ?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:19 am 
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We've ALL had spats Don.  Many in here,  You and I.  Myself as well as others, etc.  It's GOING to happen..  BUT, somethings just don't belong in public view... Keeping this in mind,  It is ONE means of beginning to keep OUR OWN clutter out've venues where few wish to view our issues

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:23 am 
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Yep!  LOL

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:54 am 
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I'm no less guilty than anybody regarding this..  I'm learning stuff too.. and royaly screw up...  Thing is, I really would hate the "SS" to stand for
Stepford Site... (Well, perhaps it's too late)

as I mentioned...   The rooms members in these forums HAVE helped keep me in line too (without mods having to throw me out) !  Or giving me the friendly Ebay site "Sanction" AOL "Toss", etc..   

This can also work in SS...   If performing anyplace consisted of an audience always raving the way they did for young Shirley Temple, I'd still be out there, but audiences sometimes are hostile in real too.....  We both know you can't control your audience anyplace, and realistically IF a person requests Critique, they should allow themselves to be at least SOMEWHAT vulnerable..  If they don't like what comes there way, it's a learning experience accompanying the art.. It sucks, and that's how artists learn too (once they get out there)... No antiseptic hermetically sealed audiences.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:07 pm 
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morning gentlemen :)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:09 pm 
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and I don't get a greeting ?  :(

::::::Throws egg at Vicki::::::

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:17 pm 
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oops thats right...you are not a gentleman...my mistake I do apologise....you're a brat!
errr why did you hard boil the egg?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:48 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:15 pm wrote:
Incidently, I want to make note that I AM not playing devil's advocate.  I gave this some thought.  I'm the first to complain about how the current Critique category doesn't belong, as well as how the Rank system is counterproductive... HOWEVER..  I have the option of taking my ball, and going elsehwere if MOST are having fun playing the game.  THis is why I alluded to those that lose out, or as you stated "suffer" have already left SS.  THEY deserve THEIR own "smaller" more candid exchange elsehwere.. A true critiquing room CAN exist too ?  Why not ?  But SS isn't broken in the eyes of those that enjoy it... and aren't THOSE most ?

You brought up something interesting here Kappy, maybe a true critiquing room can exist, if it's completely seperate from the current SS.....We could have one room for the JFF/L people, and another for the people who want critiques, with a huge disclaimer stating "enter at your own risk"...lol.....it's kind of like seperating the kids when their scrapping...... LMAO .....Just a thought......:)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:52 pm 
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:wave:  :hug: Nathan

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:51 pm 
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Good point, many people are having fun in SS as it is now. [highlight=crimson] I guess all these questions, concerns and complaints mainly effect people who are online here alot and follow the train of comments and posts[/highlight].

Nope I dont agree...They affect every person on this site. And potential members & newbies too.Especially when the same "concerns" happen to member after member with no one that wants to stand up for what is RIGHT. My "conerns" had nothing to do with any OTHER comments OR posts that were not involving ME and only ME...I had heard opinions on my "concern" & chose to give the benifit of the doubt, BUT when "concerns" came MY way it was THEN that I formed my OWN opinion on the "concern" I dont let outside things influence me UNTIL they come my way & I take a look at the BIG picture & ask myself whats "really" going on here... So yes it does affect everyone b/c not everyone is willing to stick their neck out & tell everyone theyve been wronged & they think it to be unfair...There alot of people here that will say things in seperate pms that wont post on a forum for fear of flaming. Ive done that myself , we all have I believe. But lately I have been trying to say what I gotta say on board just to make my opinion know not necessarily count cause I know people are going to disagree but hey what can ya do ??

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[shadow=black][scroll]You have to respect your audience. Without them, you're essentially standing alone, singing to yourself....KD Lang[/scroll][/shadow]

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:00 pm 
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But lately I have been trying to say what I gotta say on board just to make my opinion know not necessarily count cause I know people are going to disagree but hey what can ya do ??

You are doing the right thing.  Speaking YOUR OWN mind despite what others may feel !   That's never easy..  People can "respectfully" disagree !   In fact, if more learned this, Critique MIGHT stand a chance of working :worship:

Nathan,  Here was my idea...  scurrying to find it on other thread.....brb and will post it here

From a different thread (a few days back)
Does society as a whole need to lower its standards because of some that don't know their individual needs and hurt themselves with freedoms others enjoy ?  Some just seem to complain and continue banging their head against a wall  (subbing in an unreal but risky category with expectations of NO politically driven angst)

I feel bad for people like Lonman, and Jian, and others that really do want a Critique, those that DO wish for honest exchange, those that've been driven out because they KNOW they aren't "10" average singers (nobody is), and they really do care about growing and improving with others help... These types of individuals have suffered in a sense in SS,  and have been driven out of SS because a fantasyland isn't what they want.  They KNOW they are getting lied to, and don't like it, some actually are insulted by such a venue.  Those that lose out in SS, are the amateurs, novices, and ALL that do take their singing seriously and wish for genuine interaction and TRUTHFUL "Critique".. They won't get it in SS...

If I were allowed to propose something to administration that *I* felt would benefit the forum, it'd be a sub-group in the Singer's Forum visible to admitted members of the room only.  This would be a members club, and invitational type group that requires established members to approve of those they feel can function in a setting that WILL have a functioning Critique category, maybe a comments category too... This will be select group of SERIOUS singers and there would be criteria for admission.  Perhaps such a criteria would be as simple as a total of 10 viewable interactions in the current Singers Showcase beit comments left for others, or reactions to comments received on submitted material. Of the 10 total needed for admission and viewing,  5 subs would be viewable within the Critique category so those in the member-formed room that allows Critique (which can be called something like Jointly Interacting Artisan Novices Singing room) would be able to plainly view the maturity level, and ability of those admitted to interact in a setting that will have the same feature the current SS room has, but will be for the more serious singers only who can keep their cool, and HONESTLY Critique one-another.. Those that want a real recital type room...So whether it's the above room with the acronym Jians room, or Green Room, Stage left, whatever.... It'll exist for those that wish SS was realistic.

I guess the members constituting such a group could do as they please of course... Open and viewable if they so choose,  Option for open and private commentary can exist,  whatever...  This would be for the more serious singers that wish for honest exchange and put their growth in the craft before ego, but among others they respect, and trust won't bash them regardless of personal dislike. (Objectivity when offering critique can be almost as tough as receiving the critique)..  

In brief,  emotions can suck  LOL

Another problem I ran into is that while so many request Critiques,  fewer wish to offer them.  This makes things disproportionate, and strains the few that end up  stuck being the "Critiquing" party....  I think a 1 to 1 exchange... For each Critique received one must be offered (might be a fair approach)..  I think evening this out can be among the tougher of situations... THIS isn't easy to balance.

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